Monday, April 15, 2013

A Tragedy In Boston

   For the 2nd day in a row, I have the sad duty to blog about a tragic event. You'll know by now 2 explosions ripped near the finishing line of the Boston Marathon. Two people are dead, with various reports saying an 8 year old boy was one of them. Dozens more, perhaps 110, were injured, some critically. The devices were set to go off as runners were wrapping up their marathon, while thousands of spectators cheered them on. No doubt to cause maximum carnage. The fact that as I write this officials say the devices were small had a mitigating effect on the potential death toll.
   Also at the time of writing, officials didn't know if this was a foreign or home grown plot.
   The Kennedy Library was also targeted by a bomb which went off, and fortunately, officials recovered an unexploded one. That will give then countless clues on what they contained along with possible fingerprints and maybe even DNA evidence. President Obama has promised the full weight of the law will be used when they find the culprits, which I hope they do. Quickly. And justice should be meted out just as swiftly. It's just unfortunate that Massachusetts abolished the death penalty in 1984.
   But that may not matter. Put these scum in with the general prison population, turn off the video cameras for 5 minutes and let some jail house justice take care of them.
   As for the families of the victims, and the surviving victims themselves, it's my fervent hope that those wounded recover, and those who lost loved ones find some closure sometime.
   'Nuff said.

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