Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How Drunk Do You Have To Be To Do This?

   In China, a man must have been very, very drunk indeed. Because doctors had to surgically remove an eel from him! That's right, one of these:
   And if you think our guy swallowed the thing whole, think again. The eel ruptured his colon, because he inserted it up his ass! That's fucking DRUNK. Oh, yeah. The eel was 20 inches long, and somehow buddy managed to get all or almost all of it in. I shudder to think exactly how.
   Now, in parts of the world eel is a delicacy. There's eel pie in Britain, and in China there are several recipes for the slithery critter. In a strange twist of fate, instead of our hero eating the eel, the eel started eating him. From the inside! It ate through an internal organ, and was burrowing into his gut.
   Doctors managed to save the guys life, but I'm willing to bet heavily he'll turn down the next offer of stir fried eel. As for the eel in question, I guess it got to feel what a real asshole is like before it died!
   'Nuff said.

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