Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Wacky Wednesday Wanderings

   It's been a very busy week at work, hence the last of posts. So, today I'm going to update a few things I've blogged about in the past.
   First, the death of this asshole:
   It seems, as I expected would happen, a 3rd version about how this turd met his end has come forward from another member of SEAL Team 6. And it contradicts what was said in the book "No Easy Day", along with earlier reports of his cancellation from the human race. This latest account says OBL was capped in the head once, not twice, and 2 members of the team "finished him off" with a couple more to the chest as he lay gravely wounded. But you know what? Who really cares. The main thing is this guy's been turned into fish shit at the bottom of the sea.
   The nutty North Koreans are at it again, with the puppet of their military Kim Jong Un, or as I call him Sum Dum Fuk, saying war with the south could break out at any moment. In fact, the north has cut the last line of communication with the south, and has been sabre rattling at the U.S quite a bit. The government there has also been talking of using a nuke if need be. I still think there's time for their only ally China to step in and basically tell Kim to stop all the bullshit....or else. Of course, what the "or else" means is anybody's guess. But if China can step in and make a difference, why not? The U.N has been as ineffective as always dealing with the little turd.
   And speaking of little turds:
   Yeah, he's back in the news again. And again for the wrong reason. It seems Justine Beaver allegedly assaulted a neighbor over complaints about loud parties at the Beebs place while the snot was touring. That, and the fact JB was supposedly driving recklessly around the neighborhood during one bash. In the altercation that followed, neighbor says JB "made contact" with him and threatened him, meaning JB's now under investigation for battery. Beebs, needless to say, says while there were "words" exchanged between them, nothing physical happened. Let the train wreck continue!
   'Nuff said.

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