Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oh, Please!!!

   I never cease to be amazed at how dumb people are getting. It seems that, as a species, we're devolving faster and faster. And one of the things that amazes me most is people seeing images in food. Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich, the virgin Mary on a potato chip, George Washington on a McNugget. And now a "sign from god" on a Goldfish! Yep! On a Pepperidge Farm goldfish cracker.
   Seems the Florida woman in question (who needs a few more air-holes in her tinfoil hat) found one of the cheese crackers with 2 marks not found on your run of the mill goldfish. She claims one is a cross in a circle, while near the head of the goldfish is a marking she says is a representation of a golden crown. She takes this as a sign from god. Cough (bullshit) cough.
   Most likely, it's a production glitch somewhere along the line at whatever factory it was made. Anyway, the woman in question now keeps this miracle cracker in a little gauze lined jewellery box. No word yet if she plans on selling the stupid thing on e-bay or not.
   To my mind, the best thing anyone can do with an "image" on a food item is quite simply EAT IT!
   ''Nuff said.

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