Friday, April 19, 2013

One Down, One To Go.....UPDATED

   I haven't been glued to the TV like this since the 9-11 attacks. Or since O.J's famous low speed chase through L.A. You'll know by now one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers was shot and killed by police. But not before he and his brother cold-bloodedly executed an M.I.T cop, stole an SUV and lead police for a chase in a Boston suburb. All while lobbing explosives at the cops chasing them. One of the brothers (the one with the easy first name to pronounce) was killed during a gun battle.
   Since then 9 thousand law enforcement officials have been looking for his brother, and put Boston in lockdown. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is still at large. He and his brother Tamerlan originally hailed from the Dagestan region of Russia, and are identified as Chechens. Both had lived in the States for quite a while.
   Whether or not cops find Dzhokhar alive or dead is very much debatable. He likely saw his brother get what he deserved, and hopefully may have eaten the business end of a 12 gauge shotgun. Either that or played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded pistol. Then again, he may still be very much alive, and is planning on taking as many people with him as he can when he goes.
   In a way, I hope they find the son of a bitch alive so they can "extract" as much information from him as possible. Not that he'd likely talk. And if he did do the world a favour and blew his brains out, at least cops will have whats left of their apartment to piece together an evidence trail to see why these fuckers did what they did.
   The only real problem about having them both dead is the wounded, their families and the families of the dead won't have the satisfaction of seeing his trial.
   Rot in hell, both of you.
   'Nuff said.
   *****UPDATE: Late Friday evening, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured alive in Watertown, Mass, hiding in a covered boat in the backyard of a house. Guess I was wrong about him killing himself. Now, it'll be interesting to find out the events leading up to Monday's bombing*****

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