Monday, March 4, 2013

Random Ratbag Ramblings

   There hasn't been a whole lot to blog about recently, as you can see by my lack of posts. So today, another Ramble to see where we end up.
   And lets start at the movies. Or, in the case of Jack, the Giant Slayer, NOT start. The 300 million dollar kids movie raked in a whole 7 million on opening Friday, which may well mean it won't top 25 mil for the weekend. Anyone remember John Carter of Mars? Looking at the commercials for it, I doubt whether people will be taking their little 5, 6 and 7 year old's to see it. The little buggers will probably have nightmares for a month.
   Next, it seems almost all the cardinals (not the bird) have arrived in Rome for the conclave to choose Benny's successor. But one won't be making the trip. British cardinal Keith O'Brien resigned after allegations of a sex scandal surfaced. Seems the top catholic in Britain did what ex-pope Benny told his clergy not to do. He was engaged in supposed "inappropriate conduct" with 3 priests going back to the 1980's. Of course, he denies it. Naturally. It seems to be the thing members of that clergy are good at.
   Lastly, 86 year old Queen Elizabeth II has been released from hospital in London after spending Sunday night there for a touch of tummy trouble. Apparently gastroenteritis. It's the first time in a decade she's been admitted to hospital, and all of the week's royal schedule has been wiped or postponed. I know she'll never do it, but it may be time for her to follow Benny and retire. But like popes are supposed to do, it's a job for life. As for the ailment that laid her low, no one is saying. But given the scandal over horse meat showing up in what's supposed to be beef over there, maybe she should've given Taco Bell a miss. Maybe it gave her the trots! Get well soon Liz!
   'Nuff said

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