Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Paint That Nursery Pink

   It seems the former Kate Middleton may have let the cat out of the bag the other day. Making a rare public appearance, Kate accepted a teddy bear from a well-wisher, and was overheard saying "I'll take this for my d......" before stopping herself in mid sentence and correcting herself saying "my baby". Needless to say, the tabloids are all in a tizzy, and splashed the not quite news across their banner headlines.
   Prince William's wife further tried to cover her slip of the lip by saying "I'm sure, I'm sure. We don't know". Cough (bullshit) cough. I'm sure they're sure. And I'm also sure Kate did let slip the secret of the future Monarch's gender. And you know? So fucking what! If all people are worried about is if it's a boy or girl, then get a life. With the rules of succession changed, it doesn't matter if it's a boy or girl. So long as it's healthy. That should be the main concern, not if it has a winkle or not.
   But I'm also sure a hell of a lot of people who were betting on it being a boy are kicking themselves in the ass right now. And I'm also sure bookies will NOT be taking any more bets on if it's a prince or princess.
   'Nuff said.

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