Saturday, March 16, 2013

Weekend Wanderings

   And there are a few things on the Ratbag Radar, not the least of which is another gang rape in India. And this time, the victim was a foreigner. A Swiss woman and her husband were on a cycling trip, when they were attacked, beaten and the woman raped by 8 men as they were camping in a forest near a temple in the Madhya Pradesh state. No, I don't have a clue where that is either. Anyway, the couple had only "minor" injuries, if you call being raped by 8 "men" minor. They also had their cell phone, laptop and 10 thousand rupees (about 185 dollars) stolen. This attack was just 3 months after a 26 year old was gang raped on a bus, and later died in hospital. In cases like these, justice should be swift and merciless.....the death penalty right after their convictions.
   Moving on. In Montreal, 250 people were busted at a march against police brutality. Mainly under a law prohibiting people from covering their faces during protests. Plus the fact no one had bothered to provide authorities with an itinerary of their event. In addition to the arrests, 2 cops needed medical aid. Maybe the city should consider a name change from Montreal to Mob-treal.
   Moving on. That little shit Justine Bieber is whining on again about the media, saying their publishing "lies" about him after all the (rightly) negative press the little turd's been getting in Europe. There was the concert he showed up 2 hours late for, the "fainting" spell at another gig, and cancelling a show in Portugal. Way to keep building your fan base! And if that's not enough, he also took a cheap shot at Lindsay Lohan, although it's not the first time she's been targeted for something like that. He also took offense at stories about his going into rehab, but he didn't mention drinking sizzurp. What a fucking surprise that isn't. As I said in an earlier post, it's time to grow up asshole!
   'Nuff said.

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