Monday, March 11, 2013

Are You Sure The Water Is Safe To Drink?

   That question's being asked a lot in parts of China these days. Shanghai to be precise. And why? E-coli in the water? Chemicals leeching into the water table? No to both. The questions are being asked after the rotting carcasses of 28 HUNDRED dead pigs were discovered in the river supplying a good part of Shanghai's drinking water. And not just any dead pigs. These died from diseases.
   Apparently farmers who have a pig who died of some disease and can't be bothered to bury it, simply toss it into the river. And, according to one farmer, it happens a lot. Every day, supposedly. And the river in question ends up as tap water in China's largest city. Even better, thousands of pigs have died in the Shanghai region of disease in past months. 18 thousand in one area alone! And no one knows how the carcasses were disposed of, either. Better still, it seems someone has been cutting the hind legs of the corpses of several.
   Cancel my order of Moo Shu, and bring me a bottled water. Yuck!!!!
   'Nuff said.

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