Thursday, March 14, 2013

You Knew This Was Going To Happen, Didn't You?

   24 hours after pope Frankie took over the reins of the scandal-marred catholic church, a retired Canadian priest has been sentenced to 11 years in jail, less time already served, for sexually abusing children. 13 children, to be exact.....and 38 charges, to be exact. Most of the offences were in Newfoundland, between 1969 and 1989, and involved kids as young as 8. Not surprisingly, a lot of them were altar boys or otherwise involved with the church. One, apparently, was a newspaper boy.
   It seems this sick fuck would offer gifts like smokes, booze, ice cream and even porn (watched at his lair), gain the kids trust, and then WHAM! Abuse them by inviting them for a sleepover. And plying them with alcohol. Some passed out, but woke when they were being diddled. And I won't go into exactly what father Perv did to them. It's enough to make a dead horse wretch.
   Now, it's true the offences took place long before Frank became pope, but it points out the need for him and his crew to crack down hard on pedophile priests. And if the church wants to regain any respect at all, any and all instances should be reported to local authorities BEFORE some high mucky-muck has a chance to re-assign the bastard to another diocese. Where he can prey again.
   And as for the 75 year old who took advantage of these young kids.....well, I hope you get a chance to reap what you sowed in prison.
   'Nuff said

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