Friday, March 8, 2013

It's Time To Grow Up, Asshole

   Yeah, that little douche has been in the news a lot lately, and for all the wrong reasons. Justin Beiber's been "touring" London the past week or so, and things are decidedly not going his way. First, he starts wearing some weird shit that sorta makes him look like a blend of something from a zombie apocalypse, and a fucked up Bob the Builder. Then he's late for a concert at the O-2. Two hours late! So late, in fact, that pissed off moms were taking their heartbroken kids out of the venue even before his "show" started.
   Then, he ended up "fainting" backstage during another show, and was taken to hospital. Where he tweeted a pic of himself, in bed, wearing headphones while "recovering". And to top it all off, he almost got into a tussle with a photographer who hurled epithet laced insults at the "Beeb", who had to be "restrained" by his bodyguards. While swearing right back. All caught on camera, by the way.
   I'm disgusted by the fact this guy was born in the same country I was, and that he treated his fans (who probably had their Moms pay top dollar for tickets) like shit by keeping them waiting 2 hours before he finally shows up. Claiming "technical issues" were the reason. As for his "illness", well, maybe I'm a little harsh suggesting it might have been a fake. And as for his contretemps with the photog, maybe he was a little peeved. But did he have to let the f-bomb fly as much as he did? What does that signal to his supporters?
   Hopefully, it means he's alienated them to the point where they stop caring. But I doubt it. All we can really hope for is that as he and his fans age, he'll fade from view, chew through his stash of cash, and end up flipping burgers at Rotten Ronnies.
   You may have noticed by now, I'm NOT a fan. Personally, I don't think much of his music, although to be fair (for once) I haven't heard a lot of it. But I also prefer something more melodic. Something like the long, drawn out death rattle of a man suffering from terminal flatulence.
   And Beebs.....a word of advice, if you'll take it. If you want to keep your legion of fans, it's time to grow up asshole!
   'Nuff said.

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