Sunday, September 29, 2013

Uhh. Sure, If You Say So

   In Saudi Arabia, a conservative cleric (are there any other kinds?) has come out saying women should not be allowed to drive, because it will damage their ovaries and/or result in them having kids with clinical difficulties. Like what? Becoming a conservative Saudi cleric? Apparently, it's in response to the push in that country to allow women the right to drive. Proponents of female drivers are now calling on the fairer sex to get behind the wheel October 26th in defiance of the "men only" driving law on the books.
   Needless to say, that spawned an immediate response from the powers that be, all of whom seem to have their heads up their dishdasha. Or a camel's ass. They simply shut down the website for the campaign in the entire kingdom. Typical religious knee-jerk reaction from a bunch of misogynists who only like progress when it suits them.
   Quoting the head nut-case "If a woman drives a car, not out of pure necessity, that could have negative physiological impacts as functional and physiological medical studies show that it automatically affects the ovaries and pushes the pelvis upwards. That is why we find those who regularly drive have children with clinical problems of varying degrees."
   Bull fucking shit. what about women who are PASSENGERS in the car? The stone-age stone head didn't think of THAT did he? Unless women aren't allowed to be passengers in cars either.
   Unfortunately in that region, women are sometimes, if not mostly, observed as property and not equals, and are seen as a potential challenge (if not an outright threat) to the Saudi way of life. Not all Muslims and followers of Islam are like that. I personally know a few Muslim women who are not only allowed, but urged by their husbands to get behind the wheel. Their husbands have said as much.
   So, on October 26, drive on Saudi women, drive on.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

It Has To Stop

    Once again, a young life has ended after a bullying episode. This time, a 15 year old boy in Saskatchewan took his own life after years of bullying. Todd Loik was 2 weeks away from his 16th birthday when his mother found his lifeless body in their home September 9th. Once again, calls are going out to try and stop what seems to me to have become an epidemic of physical and on-line torment and attacks that so often end in the suicide of the victim.
   Far too often, young people have killed themselves, rather than endure continued, repeated, often ignored episodes. Already several provincial governments are looking at anti-bullying laws, Saskatchewan included. And after Todd's case came to light, Canada's justice minister also promises something will be done.
   The question is.....what? For obvious reasons, no jurisdiction can set up, maintain and run an anti-bullying system 24/7/365. Just monitoring the internet, facebook, twitter, chat rooms etc. is a nigh on impossibility. Perhaps what's needed is a 24/7/365 phone line for victims of bullying to call before they take that last irrevocable step. Police also need more power to deal with such attacks. Courts need to be able to sentence perpetrators to harsh jail time on conviction.
   More importantly in my country, Canada, the stupid, useless Young Offenders Act needs to be scrapped. Kids under 18 can't be named in any crime. Even a murder, which to me a bully driven suicide is. Splash the name of the criminal fuck all over the newspapers and TV.
   Something needs to be done, and it needs to be done soon, so another family like Todd Loik won't have to go through what they are right now.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Hey, Benny! Denial Is A River In Egypt

   Yup! Ex-pope Benny 16 has spoken for the first time since his retirement. And he denied covering up the sexual abuses of priests. So, what else is new? Seems the emeritus pope, as he is now known, addressed the issue in a detailed letter to a prominent atheist. At least he's talking. To an atheist, as well. It is thought to be the first time that Benedict has publicly rejected personal responsibility for covering up abuse. And, while admitting the horror of abuse, he insisted priests had no greater tendency to paedophilia than anyone else. Cough (bullshit) cough.
   He's probably been doing that behind the scenes for years. To be fair for a change, he did categorically deny covering up anything, and maybe for once I should actually believe him. But even if Ben truly didn't know about the sexual predators trolling his church, (which I doubt), someone, somewhere very high up in the hierarchy did. Maybe they purposely cut Benny out of that picture, and given the scandals that preceded his departure earlier this year, I wouldn't be a bit surprised.
   Of course, this may be problematical for new pope Frank 1, since Benny's not supposed to be speaking out now that he's retired. I guess we'll just have to wait and see what and how Frankie responds to the scandal. If at all.
  Remember boys, De-Nile is a river in Egypt. Denial is an attempt to cover something up.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Mamma M.I.A! That's A Lawsuit!

   That far from ugly woman is M.I.A. She did an ugly thing during the half-time show at the 2012 Superbowl when she extended her fuck finger to an audience of 100 million. And now she's being sued by the NFL for breach of contract for doing it. (See my blog of February 6, 2012 for the back-story.) It's also alleged she said "I don't give a shit" while performing with Madonna.
   In their statement of claim, the NFL alleges the now 38 year old Brit violated her contract by the offensive gesture, and tarnished the league's reputation. And they want 1.5 million dollars. Needless to say, M.I.A's lawyers will fight it. They even say the NFL is being hypocritical for going after the singer for flashing he fuck finger, while claiming to be "wholesome" in light of "weekly felonies committed by its stars, the bounties placed by coaches on opposing players, the homophobic and racist comments uttered by its players, the complete disregard for the health of players and the premature deaths that have resulted from same, and the raping of public entities ready to sacrifice public funds to attract teams."
   Sorry to say this, bitch (and your something sucking lawyers): It ain't the league, but INDIVIDUAL players who are allegedly doing what's listed above. And as an INDIVIDUAL "entertainer", you extended the finger. So suck it up, buttercup. Pay the fine. It's not like you can't afford it. And when you've paid it, disappear back into obscurity.
   'Nuff said.

What Smells Like Maple Syrup?

   That's the question New Yorkers have been asking recently, specifically Queens, Manhattan and even New Jersey, after smelling a smell they say is exactly like maple syrup. And it's not the first time, either. There was a similar incident in 2005, and again in 2009.
   As to the cause.....well, New York's mayor is blaming a company in New Jersey that makes fragrances and flavorings for food. The company isn't commenting. New Yorkers, however, have started getting overwhelming urges for pancakes and waffles.
   Some even say Canadians have been seen crossing the border in a zombie like state, muttering names of food items like French Toast!
   Sound like a new sci-fi/horror movie to me. Attack of the Killer Canadian Maple Syrup Zombies! They're not after bwaaaiiins this time, but they are after your waffles! Quick! Someone get me a fork, and a stack of flapjacks.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Mon Dieu! No Honey Boo Boo? Bravo, France. Bravo!

   What's got me going hip-hip-hurrah is the fact the French government may be banning beauty pageants for children under 16. About time. It's gotten to the point now where "reality" shows like Toddlers and Tiara's have gotten to big. And it's really not about the kids, either. It's about their controlling parents who sometimes coerce their little treasure into these so-called pageants. Not that a few don't want to do it, but for the most part it's nothing but a meat-grinder, and these little girls are being turned into hamburger.
   These not only can, but probably do, hurt their self esteem, and leave them feeling guilty that they've let Mommy Dearest down when they lose. But then, the parents simply pack them away like a little China doll, and head to the next emotional slaughterhouse.
   In case you're wondering at this point whether or not I watch these "shows".....well, let me state categorically that I'd rather watch American Idol than these idiotic excuses for "entertainment". And I loath American Idol.
   Another problem I can see with these shows is simple. There's probably more than one sick fuck out there who gets his jollies from watching these girls on stage. People who should be tracked down, pulled from their mother's basements and summarily executed before they actually get a chance to harm a child.
   So, Bravo French government. I hope you pass the bill outlawing these shows.
   As for Honey Boo-Boo.....I guess you really CAN put lipstick on a pig.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

A Classic Car Indeed

   I remember when the Ford Mustang came out in the 1960's. I remember bugging my dad about getting one. I also remember him saying "NO" very firmly. Well, a Chicago woman may well have been the first person to publicly buy what became a motoring icon.
   The woman bought a skylight blue convertible Mustang April 15th, 1964. And has the paperwork to prove it. What's so special about this is the car was bought 2 days before the official launch in New York. Technically, the model year was 1964 1/2. And not only does she and her family have the sales slip, they still have the car 49 YEARS after it was bought.
   The bill lists it as a power top convertible, with cruise-o-matic, power steering, an AM radio, something called a rally pac, deluxe seatbelts, 2 speed electric wiper and washer, padded visors and even back-up lights! And the cost with her 400 dollar trade was $3,119.40.
   The car was a daily driver, so there was some rust damage, but it had also been stored for 27 years in a garage, suffering "careful neglect". It has been restored, and was even driven at the Indy 500 recently. And to top everything off, it only has 68 thousand original miles on it. What wasn't said is how valuable it is. From what I've seen, anything from 16 to 42 thousand. Then again, they weren't the first ever sold to the public.
   I kinda hope the family hangs onto it.
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, September 14, 2013

The Little Spacecraft That Could: Did It!

   Voyager 1 has left the solar system. I've blogged  couple of times about this remarkable little spacecraft, launched in 1977 (36 years ago), and how scientists had said at 12 billion miles out, it was nearing the boundary between our solar system and interstellar space (see my blogs of December 4, 2012 and June 27 of this year). Now, scientists say, after a few false alarms, Voyager 1, which is about the same size as a sub-compact car, has crossed over. They used measurements of charged particles hitting the craft. And a bunch of other rocket-science ways of determining it.
    And they now say it's left the influence of the sun's Heliopause, and is now being struck by particles from outside the sphere of influence. Or something like that. But they also caution that even though the probe has left the suns influence behind, it is still technically in the solar system. That's because of the Oort cloud, where comets come from. And it won't be clear of that for some 30 thousand years. And Voyager continues sending data back, and will continue doing so until 2025 when the plutonium power source finally runs down.
   After that.....well, if there is other intelligent life out there (which I believe there is), they may find either Voyager 1 or 2, and get a chance to listen to the Golden Record with sounds and pictures of what the 3rd rock from the sun was like in the 1970's.
   Carry on Little Spacecraft That Could!
   'Nuff said.

Friday, September 13, 2013

I Hate Being A.F.K.

   In layman's terms, that's Away From Keyboard. But it's something I'm going to have to get used to. I now have to commute between job and home, until I find a place in my new city. But in the meantime, it means I'm AFK from Sunday to Friday.
   Why does this bother me so much? Simply put, it's occasions like this:
   This past Wednesday was the 12th anniversary of the 9-11 attacks on New York, Washington and the one that ended in a field in Pennsylvania after passengers of Flight 93 decided to take the plane down and spare who knows how many lives.
   I remember vividly watching the events unfold on that September day in 2001. I, like so many others, was glued to the TV watching with horror the whole morning unfold. I was almost late for work because I was in disbelief that something that terrible could happen. But of course, it did.
   And on this years anniversary, I got to thinking what other "9-11" moments there had been in my lifetime.
   For me, it was the Kennedy assassination, now almost 50 years ago. For others, it was the shuttle explosion in 1986. Then, there was the death of princess Diana. And the list goes on. It makes you wonder what the next generations "9-11" moment will be. Hopefully, something they'll want to remember. Something like the moon landing. Hopefully, a discovery which will end cancer. Something positive.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Bruno Mars? Who The Hell Is Bruno Mars?

   Seriously. Who the fuck IS Bruno Mars anyway? I Googled him, and supposedly he's some kind of singer or something. I did a you-tube search, and listened to one of his songs. All I can say is: Meh. Kid can sing not bad. Not my kind of music, but unlike Justin Beiber, he can actually sing. Which is a good thing, because he's apparently been tapped as the halftime performer at the next Superbowl.
   And I'm guessing he won't have a nasty surprise like Janet Jackson years ago with "nipplegate" or M.I.A flashing her fuck-finger. And I'm also guessing he won't have any shenanigans like Miley Cyrus at the recent VMA's.
   No one has yet confirmed his appearance, but if this is being "leaked" just as the NFL season starts, it's pretty much a shoe-in for him.
   And you've probably already guessed this, but I AM an old bastard, and my musical tastes run from the late '60's to about 1980. Classic rock. That said, I have bought a few albums in the intervening 33 years, but very, very few.
   Anyway, good luck Bruno!
   'Nuff said.

Friday, September 6, 2013

9-1-1. What Is Your Emergency. Part II

   A tale of terror from New York, where a woman was terrorized in her own home. Cops say the suspect literally crashed through the woman’s skylight, then started wrecking the joint. Damage is 5 thousand dollars. You can hear the fear in the woman’s voice as she tells 9-1-1 operators about the suspect literally flying around her house as she was cornered in her bedroom, afraid to come out.
   But before the cops could get there, the fowl suspect had fled the coop. I guess I should mention at this point the “suspect” was a bird. And not just any bird either.
   It was a wild turkey that broke into the home after apparently seeing it’s reflection in a window, and thinking it was another turkey. I wonder what it’s going to be doing this Thanksgiving? Maybe the guest of honor at a “roast”?
   'Nuff said.

Monday, September 2, 2013

What The Hell Is Going On In Syria?

   Seriously. What the hell IS going on in Syria? We know the Assad government has been accused of using chemical weapons on it's own people. And we know of alleged massacres by the same government. We also know of the rebels trying to unseat Bashar Al-Assad from power. That goes back to the "Arab Spring" of a couple of years ago when people got tired of their oppressive regimes and took to the streets demanding change.
   In some cases, including Syria, the government is fighting back. Assad doesn't want what happened to Muammar Gaddafi to happen to him. But the crackdown has now lead some nations, including the U.S, to ponder what to do with the government and Syria itself. There have been calls for military intervention. Either support for the rebels (which they're already getting) to an outright Iraq style invasion.
   The French are also pondering military action. A move Assad himself says would have "negative repercussions", without giving a for instance. He also challenged the U.S and France to show some proof of the attack.
   The wild-card in all this is, of course, Israel. What would happen if Syria decided to try and gain support from other Arab states by attacking Israel? And what would Israel do? They have the right to defend themselves against an attack from an aggressor nation, just as the U.S, France and Syria have. The difference in this case is neither the Israelis, French or American's have been accused by anyone of massacring or using WMD's on their own people.
   So, what does the future hold for Bashar and crew? I dunno, but if I was part of the Syrian government right now, I think I'd be looking for a nice quiet house in the capital of some friendly state. That's if they have any friends left.
   And once again, I have to hit the road for the rest of the week, but I'll be back!
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Dude! That Ain't No Drone!

   In Egypt, officials were called by a citizen who thought he saw a big flying thing, supposedly spying on him. It was a small town 450 km outside Cairo. But it wasn't a U.S or Israeli drone. Nor was it even mechanical. So what was it that got our friend's dishdasha in a knot? A bird. That's right, a fucking migratory bird! It was one of 5 that landed near the man's house, but there was something different about this feathered friend. He had an electronic device attached to it. That's what got farmer Abdul in a tizzy.
   And the device was placed there on purpose too. By the French. As a tracking device. To observe the migratory pattern of said bird. The device was rendered inactive after it crossed the French border. And given the current state of things in Egypt, this isn't the first time a concerned citizen has contacted authorities about something suspicious.
   Earlier this year a security official captured a pigeon he thought was carrying microfilm. Then there was the time officials though Israel was behind a series of shark attacks along the Mediterranean coast!.
   As for the bird in hasn't been allowed to "fly the coop" just yet, and is being held in a cage. Just to be safe, I guess. I just wonder what the authorities will do to try and get it to "sing".
   'Nuff said.