Monday, April 29, 2013

A Little Too Young To Drive

   Ahh, the Ferrari. The king of sports cars. Young boys salivate over pictures of the quintessential supercar, at least until they discover women. In India, it seems, a young boy is living the dream. Cops found out he was driving his parents Ferrari after a video was posted on You tube. I guess I should point out, the boy was 9 years old!
   Apparently, mom and dad let him drive the Ferrari for his 9th birthday, 2 weeks ago. With his 5 year old brother in the passenger seat. Dad has been charged with endangering the life of a child, and letting a minor drive.
   Mom's not sure what the big deal is, since junior's already driven one of these:
   Yup! A Lamborghini. And of that's not enough, he's even been behind the wheel of the family Bentley to boot!   It also seems he's been driving for 4 years, meaning he got started at 5!! Some kids have all the luck.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Let The Train Wreck Continue!

   And for Justin Bieber, it sure does. His European tour has been, shall we say, less than stellar? Not only does he show up late for concerts, twice, and gets in a scuffle with a paparazzi, now one of his tour buses has been raided!
   Yup! It seems cops in Sweden smelled the odor of pot coming from one of the buses, came back and raided it. And (according to TMZ), they found what they believe was marijuana and a stun gun. Cops go on to say the bus was parked outside an arena in Stockholm where the little twit was "performing".
   Police did say no one was arrested or likely to be arrested, no charges were laid and the drug was found on the floor of the vehicle, so it can't be tied to any one person. To be fair, the bus did have 10 to 15 people on it before the raid, but this is just another black mark on the "Beeb", and if he wants to keep his fan base, he'd better smarten the fuck up. Which I seriously doubt he will.
   Speaking of black marks, it seems Justin's own grandfather has some harsh words for him, criticizing Beeb for not "sharing the wealth". Seems the elder Bieber has a back problem that has left him unable to work. His wife, apparently, does. In a factory to help hubby and her make ends meet. He does say his grand kid bought him a T.V, but there's been no financial support. Is he griping or gold-digging? Jury's out on that.
   Anyway Beebs, keep her going! Like the words in an AC/DC song "runaway train, running right off the track". Derail soon you punk.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

We Are The Champions (Again)

   Yep! The mighty Red Devils have won their 20th league title, the best record in English Football. Liverpool has 18, Arsenal 13. United took the trophy this week with a 3-0 thrashing of Aston Villa, mathematically eliminating cross-town rivals Man City. And there are still 4 games left in the season!
   Of those record 20 titles, Sir Alex Ferguson has managed the team to 13. Quite a record, to say the least. If United were to win their last 4 games, it would give them 96 points on the season. And don't think for a minute that since the Premier League season is effectively over, they'll be using "bench" players for the rest of the year, resting their stars. They may well rest Rooney, van Persie and others for a game, maybe 2. But the competitive spirit of the team and Ferguson will see them trying to win those remaining 4 games.
   Go United!!!
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

You Can't Say That On T.V

   If you remember George Carlin, there are in fact 7 words you can't say on T.V. In the interest of modesty (something new for me) I won't list them here. But on a weekend newscast on KFYR in Bismarck, North Dakota, a newscaster ushered 2 of them in rapid succession. A.J Clemente was just about to go on air with his co-anchor, and was apparently having problems pronouncing a name (according to one story I heard), and when he failed again, he said "fuckin shit". The only problem was, his mic was live, and it went out on the air! Play the You Tube video yourself. As of this writing, it's got almost 580 thousand views.
   His co-anchor, obviously stunned and shocked by this, then stumbles and fumbles going into the show. The station heard quite a bit from offended viewers, and suspended, then later fired, A.J. It was, by the way, his FIRST DAY ON THE JOB!
   Now, I've got a friend who's been in the electronic media who says the first thing you're taught is to treat every mic as if it was live. You don''t swear, fart, belch of cough when you're near a microphone. No "fuckin shit".
   I'm guessing A.J won't be getting another shot on T.V any time soon. I'm also wondering if the station will apply to the FCC to change their call letters from KFYR to K-WTF.
   'Nuff said

Monday, April 22, 2013

Would You Do This?

   Ahh, cinnamon. What a wonderful spice it is. You can use it for cinnamon toast, cinnamon sugar, and my personal favourite, cinnamon buns. Yum!
   But would you eat a tablespoon of it in 60 seconds? Without a glass of water to wash it down? It seems a lot of people would and do. It's called the cinnamon challenge, and it's causing quite an uproar in the medical community. The reason is simple, Cinnamon is the bark from a tree, and therefore contains fibres that, when ground into a powder, can cause serious harm. Not the least of which is the "burn" you get from it.
   In fact, it's to the point now where some American doctors are warning about teens, or anyone for that matter, taking part in the challenge. There have been quite a few cases of people going to poison control after trying to eat it. And there have also been cases where someones lungs have collapsed and they need a ventilator because of those little fibres being inhaled. And where do people get the stupid idea from? Well, it seems lots of participants have posted videos on a popular website, with one getting 29 MILLION views! And it's not so much the spice itself that's the problem. It's the cellulose added to it during manufacturing that doesn't break down. By itself, cellulose is pretty tame, but when that shit is coated in cinnamon oil and inhaled, it can be caustic, and could lead to scarring of the lungs.
   To answer my own question "Would I Do This", the answer is no.
   Although if you did take the challenge, I'm guessing your breath would smell nice.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, April 19, 2013

One Down, One To Go.....UPDATED

   I haven't been glued to the TV like this since the 9-11 attacks. Or since O.J's famous low speed chase through L.A. You'll know by now one of the suspected Boston Marathon bombers was shot and killed by police. But not before he and his brother cold-bloodedly executed an M.I.T cop, stole an SUV and lead police for a chase in a Boston suburb. All while lobbing explosives at the cops chasing them. One of the brothers (the one with the easy first name to pronounce) was killed during a gun battle.
   Since then 9 thousand law enforcement officials have been looking for his brother, and put Boston in lockdown. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev is still at large. He and his brother Tamerlan originally hailed from the Dagestan region of Russia, and are identified as Chechens. Both had lived in the States for quite a while.
   Whether or not cops find Dzhokhar alive or dead is very much debatable. He likely saw his brother get what he deserved, and hopefully may have eaten the business end of a 12 gauge shotgun. Either that or played Russian Roulette with a fully loaded pistol. Then again, he may still be very much alive, and is planning on taking as many people with him as he can when he goes.
   In a way, I hope they find the son of a bitch alive so they can "extract" as much information from him as possible. Not that he'd likely talk. And if he did do the world a favour and blew his brains out, at least cops will have whats left of their apartment to piece together an evidence trail to see why these fuckers did what they did.
   The only real problem about having them both dead is the wounded, their families and the families of the dead won't have the satisfaction of seeing his trial.
   Rot in hell, both of you.
   'Nuff said.
   *****UPDATE: Late Friday evening, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was captured alive in Watertown, Mass, hiding in a covered boat in the backyard of a house. Guess I was wrong about him killing himself. Now, it'll be interesting to find out the events leading up to Monday's bombing*****

Monday, April 15, 2013

A Tragedy In Boston

   For the 2nd day in a row, I have the sad duty to blog about a tragic event. You'll know by now 2 explosions ripped near the finishing line of the Boston Marathon. Two people are dead, with various reports saying an 8 year old boy was one of them. Dozens more, perhaps 110, were injured, some critically. The devices were set to go off as runners were wrapping up their marathon, while thousands of spectators cheered them on. No doubt to cause maximum carnage. The fact that as I write this officials say the devices were small had a mitigating effect on the potential death toll.
   Also at the time of writing, officials didn't know if this was a foreign or home grown plot.
   The Kennedy Library was also targeted by a bomb which went off, and fortunately, officials recovered an unexploded one. That will give then countless clues on what they contained along with possible fingerprints and maybe even DNA evidence. President Obama has promised the full weight of the law will be used when they find the culprits, which I hope they do. Quickly. And justice should be meted out just as swiftly. It's just unfortunate that Massachusetts abolished the death penalty in 1984.
   But that may not matter. Put these scum in with the general prison population, turn off the video cameras for 5 minutes and let some jail house justice take care of them.
   As for the families of the victims, and the surviving victims themselves, it's my fervent hope that those wounded recover, and those who lost loved ones find some closure sometime.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Very Disturbing Trend

   It's cyber-bullying, and it's seen several teens kill themselves because of the relentless on-line attacks. Just recently in Canada, a 17 year old young woman, Rehtaeh Parsons committed suicide after being raped and then having images of the assault put on line.
   Then there was the case of 15 year old Amanda Todd, who put a heart-wrenching cry for help on You Tube after she was tricked into posting a topless photo of herself and was mercilessly bullied on line about that. She also killed herself. If you want to know what real pain is, take a look at that video and see the look of abject despair, hopelessness and helplessness in her posture, and the look on her face. If you're human, you'll have a tear in your eye after watching it.
   In the States, there's the case of Audrey Potts who was sexually assaulted, with photos of the attack posted on-line. The 15 year old recently committed suicide. At least in this case, lawyers are going to press to have the 3 16 year old boys alleged to have raped her tired as adults.
   But there doesn't need to be anything like pictures of a rape posted on line to constitute bullying. It can be any number of things that lead to victimization, whether it starts in school or not. For that matter, office bullying is also on the rise in a number of areas in the country.
   To his credit, our Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, says such incidents like the Rehtaeh Parsons case should not be called bullying. He says it's a criminal act, and people charged should have their case prosecuted as such.
   The only problem in Canada is the Youth Justice Act, which basically prevents little criminal fucks from being tried and sentenced as adults. At least till their 18. And anyone under 13 (I think) can't be charged at all. I feel the government needs to scrap that act, and start charging these teens as adults. Depending on the crime. And sentence them to a lot more than what currently amounts to a slap on the wrist.
   Social media is a wonderful tool, there's no doubt. Plus, it's also quite easy, in most cases, to track who posts what. So maybe police agencies (if they haven't already) should set up a cyber-bullying force to investigate complaints, lay charges, and try to make sure cases like Rehtaeh, Audry and Amanda's never happen again. And parents: You should also take a more pro-active response and, if possible, monitor what little Johnny and Janey are up to on line.
   As for the bastards responsible for the ultimate deaths of these 3 young women, rot in hell you assholes!
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

How Drunk Do You Have To Be To Do This?

   In China, a man must have been very, very drunk indeed. Because doctors had to surgically remove an eel from him! That's right, one of these:
   And if you think our guy swallowed the thing whole, think again. The eel ruptured his colon, because he inserted it up his ass! That's fucking DRUNK. Oh, yeah. The eel was 20 inches long, and somehow buddy managed to get all or almost all of it in. I shudder to think exactly how.
   Now, in parts of the world eel is a delicacy. There's eel pie in Britain, and in China there are several recipes for the slithery critter. In a strange twist of fate, instead of our hero eating the eel, the eel started eating him. From the inside! It ate through an internal organ, and was burrowing into his gut.
   Doctors managed to save the guys life, but I'm willing to bet heavily he'll turn down the next offer of stir fried eel. As for the eel in question, I guess it got to feel what a real asshole is like before it died!
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Oh, Please!!!

   I never cease to be amazed at how dumb people are getting. It seems that, as a species, we're devolving faster and faster. And one of the things that amazes me most is people seeing images in food. Jesus on a grilled cheese sandwich, the virgin Mary on a potato chip, George Washington on a McNugget. And now a "sign from god" on a Goldfish! Yep! On a Pepperidge Farm goldfish cracker.
   Seems the Florida woman in question (who needs a few more air-holes in her tinfoil hat) found one of the cheese crackers with 2 marks not found on your run of the mill goldfish. She claims one is a cross in a circle, while near the head of the goldfish is a marking she says is a representation of a golden crown. She takes this as a sign from god. Cough (bullshit) cough.
   Most likely, it's a production glitch somewhere along the line at whatever factory it was made. Anyway, the woman in question now keeps this miracle cracker in a little gauze lined jewellery box. No word yet if she plans on selling the stupid thing on e-bay or not.
   To my mind, the best thing anyone can do with an "image" on a food item is quite simply EAT IT!
   ''Nuff said.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Phone Phunnies

   Ah, yes. The devil cell phone is rearing it's ugly head yet again on both sides of the border. It seems cops in Canada's smallest province, Prince Edward Island, are sick and tired of people pocket dialing 9-1-1. It seems some 85 hundred of the 30 thousand 9-1-1 calls emergency services got last year were inadvertent, accidental ones. Pocket dialing if you prefer. So now the province is bringing in a law making it illegal. And they're slapping an up to 500 dollar fine for people who do. Folks with pre-programmed phones will be responsible for disabling the 9-1-1 feature. I've got a better idea. Get a carrier for you damn cell phone and it won't be a problem! I've been using a "holster" for years, and have never made a call I didn't want to. They may not be stylish, but it's better than getting a 500 buck fine.
   Moving on. In Alabama, a driver was caught texting behind the wheel.maybe not that unusual, but our hero was using 2 in each hand.....and driving with his knees! He apparently told the cops he'd been double texting for 4 years, since he was 15. And it gets better. 2 women and a toddler were in the backseat of the car at the time. And it gets even better! Seems the cops found 45 hundred bucks in cash and prescription Xanax in the car, and marijuana stashed in the ginch of a passenger in the front seat. And all this after they got pulled over for a traffic violation in a tunnel!
   Could the driver not simply ask someone  to complete his messages for him? Of course, if he had, I wouldn't have anything to blog about.
   Nuff said.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Ruin It For The Kids Why Don't You

   It was easter this past weekend, but for kids at one egg hunt, it wasn't a very happy one. Did someone forget the eggs? No. Did some asshole complain about it being a christian holiday? No. Did the easter bunny leave egg shaped shit instead of the real deal? No, no and no again. What ruined the hunt at a zoo in Seattle wasn't even the animals eating the eggs.
   What ruined it for the kids was some of their own mothers. It seems one bitch was pushing a kid away so her own spawn could grab the brightly colored egg. That's when the other trailer trash waded in with fists flying. In fact, other people at the event had to break up the cat fight 2 or 3 times! One of the moms ended up with a bloody nose. I guess it's just as well this was in Washington State. In some others, one of the moms might've capped the other. Happy easter, blam, blam.
   And since they've ruined the holiday not just for their kids, but others at the event, why not just come out and say Santa doesn't exist either. You've already traumatised the kids, why not just finish their childhood off? They're gonna find out sooner or later, anyway.
   And to the mothers involved: Great parenting skills! Shit, sarcasm doesn't translate well onto a computer screen.
   'Nuff said.