Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wacky Wednesday Wanderings

   And we'll start in California, where a 3 judge commission says a science teacher, Stacie Halas, won't be allowed back in any classroom. She was fired in April of last year, and had been hoping to get her job back. She was fired for.....uhh.....extracurricular activities. O-kay, she was in several on-line porn films during an 8 month period between 2005 and 2006. A lawyer for Stacie says she was not involved in the adult industry since she started teaching, and only got.....uhh....."into" it due to financial hardship. She was found out when several students and teachers "discovered" her past.
   And I'm sure none of the male students were the ones complaining! As for Stacie, well nothing was said about her future, but she wants to put her past behind her. And I say "good luck", because unfortunately, her past will continue to dog her for years to come no doubt.

   Moving on, another season of American Idol starts tonight. Yawwwwn! I do have to admit I watched one season of what could also be called America's Karaoke Crazy. But then the meds kicked in, and I haven't watched since. And tonight will be no different, despite the hyped up feud between Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj. The Duel of the Divas. The Battle of the Bitches. Whatever you wanna call it. I'm sure ratings tonight will be through the roof, as millions turn in to see if one sticks a shiv in the back of the other. I will not be one of them.
   Mariah, don't forget "Glitter", although I'm sure anyone who was stupid enough to go see that piece of dog shit would love to. For the record, I did NOT see it. And then there's Nicki's "Stupid Ho" song. Google the lyrics for yourself. Trust me, it's not even worth the effort. Let's not forget Randy, the only original left. And Keith Urban, the Aussie country star. Country. Not my favorite kind of music, but it is my favorite kind of tree ;).
   And after this season when the ratings tank, there might be one more left before Idol hopefully fades away. And if there is, lets get some TALENTED people as judges. Paula Abdul isn't doing much anymore. Nor is Britney Spears. No, wait. That wouldn't work. No one could tell who is supposed to be the scatter brained air-head.
   'Nuff said.

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