Thursday, January 17, 2013

Get Your "Eeek!" On Standby

   It's happened to just about all of us. You open that sealed pack of store bought food, only to find a hair in it. Shit, there have even been stories about fingers, band-aids and worse. But listening to the radio on the way to the office this morning, I could hardly believe this.
   Seems a guy in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan picked up some tandoori bread from a local shop, and when he opened it (get ready to Eeek!) found a mouse inside. Not just a mouse hair, but the whole fuckin' mouse! And he says it was still alive, even though it was packed some 2 weeks before. The guy who sold him the bread claims no mouse could live that long in a sealed bag, which may be true, and the heat used to seal it would've killed the mouse. Also possibly true. But the buyer of said Nan bread took a video of the mouse INSIDE the bag.
   Now the supermarket in question apparently also went on to say that not only was the bag sealed, but CO2 and nitrogen are pumped in first to keep the product fresh. Which begs the question: Did buddy not notice the mouse before he made the purchase? Or has he got something against the store or it's owner and put the mouse inside? Jury's out on those yet.
   Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go take a look at the bag of bagels I bought today. It seems to be making a strange 'squeaking' sound.
   'Nuff said.

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