Monday, January 21, 2013

Not What You'd Expect

   You would expect this after a hockey game in almost any division or league. One skater had a cheek cut during an altercation with another recently. But it wasn't the result of a cheap shot check into the boards. Or settling a long running feud between players. Shit. It wasn't even hockey related.
   It did involve skaters..figure skaters to be exact. And it wasn't even on the ice. It happened in a hotel in Ontario, when an unruly celebration got out of hand. 8 skaters from Canada were involved in the brouhaha that erupted on the 2nd floor of the hotel, which apparently started when the skaters wouldn't shut up when asked by staff. The cops were called, but mainly to back up management  who quickly shooshed everyone back to their rooms. The skaters were there for the Canadian championships.
   The cut was minor, and didn't need medical attention.
   But there may be a plus in this. Maybe retired NHL enforcer Tie Domi could lace 'em up again. That'd make for some interesting commentary in a completely uninteresting "sport".
   'Nuff said.

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