Saturday, January 12, 2013

Kinda Cold For A Protest

   That's what PeTA idiots likely found out Friday as the Persistent Eco Terrorist Assholes struck again. Wearing green bikini's, green body paint and green wigs, a few "bathing beauties" took their vegan message to, of all places, Regina, Saskatchewan. As Canadian prairie cities go, Regina's actually quite nice. In the summer. A friend of mine there was saying the temperature there was -11 Celsius (+12 Fahrenheit), but the windchill was about -25 (8 below f).
   And yet these idiots were out there, downtown, in bikini's, waving signs urging us all to quit eating meat, and start eating veggies. I just hope the local media there kept them outside for a good 15 minutes asking questions. That'll learn them! Even better, have someone offer these so-called "protesters" a nice, warm fur coat. When it get's that fucking cold, people's values start to change. Especially when bits of the body you're quite fond of start turning blue.
   Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to have a nice plate of broccoli, potatoes and carrots. With a huge side dish of medium rare New York steak!
   'Nuff said.

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