Monday, January 28, 2013

Maybe They Should Slap Him In Jail

   A guy in Quebec was arrested for drunk driving recently. Not normally something I'd blog about, but it seems this was our guy's 17th arrest for boozing and cruising. 17th! At what point do police finally realize buddy's got a problem with Bud. It seems the 69 year old went to buy a 2-4 at 8:45 in the morning at a grocery store. On a Sunday morning no less.
   The clerks at the store tried to convince our guy that he was too drunk to drive, and not get back in his car. He ignored them, they called the cops who busted him in the parking lot. His last arrest was in 2005, when he lost his license for 5 years.
   Clearly, there's a problem here.....and not just with the guy that got nailed for the 17th time. There seems to be a problem with the justice system for continuing to let this guy get his license back and continue driving while drunk. Obviously after 17 arrests, he's not gonna change, so jail time might be the only answer. A very long sentence of say, 5 years or more.
   Would it help our guy's problem? Probably not, but at least he'd be off the streets for a few years. Oh, yeah. Those 17 arrests are not a record. Another Quebecer holds the title at 19. He's now serving a life sentence after killing a woman in an alcohol related hit and run.
   I'm all for giving people 2nd chances in the hope that they will rehabilitate themselves, and not make the same stupid mistake time after time. But after 17 times.....lock him up.
   'Nuff said..

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