Monday, June 2, 2014

The "Beeb" Strikes Again

   Yep! Justin Bieber is at it again. Seems he has gone and used the "N" word in a joke he told when he was 15. He says he didn't realize the power (if you wanna call it that) of the word, and has apologized for it. Which is commendable. As far as it goes. Which ain't very far.
   From a guy who pissed in a janitor's bucket in the kitchen of a restaurant, spit on his 'fans' from a hotel balcony, and faces legal problems that seem to grow every day, you almost have to wonder just how sincere his 'apology' was.
   And for once. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. (Yeah. Given what I've said about him in the past, I'm wondering about that myself.) Perhaps as a 15 year old he didn't know how hurtful the word is. But the people around him should have, and should have stopped him. Which they didn't. The word is one I personally would like to have classed as a racist attack, and subject to any and all prosecution for any hate crime. It's a filthy word, and it's a shame it's part of any language. The same as any derogatory slang term is to any race, creed or color.
   'Nuff said

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