Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hockey's Finally Over!

   And about time. Don't get me wrong, I like hockey. But when the NHL regular season starts October 1st, and the final game of Stanley Cup is won on June 13, I think it dragged on way to long. Put it into perspective. If a woman got pregnant on the first day of the regular season she'd have had the baby before it ended. That means the season goes on too long.
   Part of the problem is the number of teams in the NHL. 30. And not all of them are money makers, either. Maybe it's tome the league looked at chopping a few of the less well attended cities. And then, there's the whole playoff structure. It seems like all teams need to do is play .500 hockey to make the post season. Far too many teams get into the playoffs, dragging it on way too long.
   Perhaps hockey should take a page from baseball and have the top team in the division get the bye, with the next 2 teams battling it out in a best of 3 to decide who advances. Last year's baseball season ran 7 months, including the playoffs.
   I mean, do we need hockey in June? I think not, but then I'm probably in the minority. And the L.A Kings won the Stanley Cup 4 games to 2 over the New York Rangers.
   'Nuff said.

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