Tuesday, May 27, 2014

So, They're Married Now

   So fucking what. "Kimye", as I guess they're now known, got hitched in France. And the only reason I'm blogging about this is simple: To vent. Either my spleen or bowels. I haven't decided. Probably both.
   And before I get rolling, I want to clear the air about some of the comments I might make, which might be construed as racist. I am not a racist. Skin color does not enter into my discussion. And why should it? If you're in love, it don't matter to you, so it don't matter to me.
   But that said, at least Kanye could have married someone from his own species..human. I've said many times in the past that Kim and her family are probably from the planet Kardash, and plot to take over the earth by sapping the intelligence of anyone foolish enough to watch their show.
   But now the die is cast, and poor Mr. West has joined the family "K". At least as long as the ratings remain good. Once they start to fall, and hopefully they will soon, "Kimye" will likely go their separate ways. Which would be another ratings grab as it was when she first got married/divorced to that seemingly mentally handicapped basketball player.
   At any rate, maybe now they'll shut the fuck up and leave us alone. But that's really not likely, is it?
   'Nuff said.

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