Friday, June 6, 2014

Another Reason We Need The Death Penalty In Canada

   That's 24 year old Justin Bourque. He (allegedly) shot 5 members of the RCMP in Moncton, New Brunswick earlier this week, killing 3 and wounding 2. The ensuing manhunt for this scum saw most of the city shut down for 30 hours before his arrest early this morning.
   We know what happened, but we don't know why, at least not yet. And we may never know, either, thanks to the "justice" system in this country, which seems to treat those charged with a crime a fuck of a lot better than the victims and their families. For all we know, this douche may never go to trial. He may be found "not criminally responsible" due to "mental health" issues, and never see the inside of a prison, but be housed in a psychiatric facility. How can he NOT be criminally responsible? He's wearing fucking camo, and carrying 2 fucking guns! Where's the "justice" in that? One of the officers had a 19 month old baby. Will there be justice for his family? Will there be justice for the families of the other 2 slain Mounties? If he's deemed "not criminally responsible" no.
   If he IS found fit to stand trial and is convicted, he could get life with no parole for 25 years. Which would make him 49 when/if he gets out. That's fair..........NOT! Especially when you know he'll be treated as a hero in jail for killing cops.
   To me, the only way to deal with cop killers and other murderers (once convicted) is take them out into a field, make them kneel down and put a bullet in the base of their skulls.
   At least that way, taxpayers wouldn't be on the hook for the 90 thousand dollars a year it costs to keep guys like him jailed.
   'Nuff said.

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