Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Lil Kim Is Mad

   Not the rap 'star" lil Kim either. I'm talking about everyone's favorite tinpot megalomaniac dictator, North Korea's Kim Jong Un. Or as I like to call him (like his father before him), Sum Dum Fuk. Seems Kimmy's got his diaper in a knot over a new comedy movie where the plot is to "Kill Kim".
   In fact, he's apparently so miffed that sources say if the U.S doesn't block the release of "The Interview", he calls it an act of war! The plot of this movie (apparently) is that a producer and talk show host land an interview with Kim, and are asked by the CIA to bump him off. Fuk, pardon me, Kim, says if the movie is released, the U.S will face, and this is a direct quote "merciless retaliation".
   Boo fucking hoo Kim, boo fucking hoo. As unlikely as it seems, if the U.S does in fact bow to this idiotic excuse for a human and does block the release, I have an alternative version which would also see a Kim assassinated. That would be the Kardashian version.
   I can dream, can't I?
   'Nuff said.

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