Monday, June 23, 2014

Get High Forceps

   I damn near had an accident this morning. I was driving around, listening to one of our local radio stations when the morning guys blurted out this little item. And how they managed to keep a straight face is beyond me. I fucking near ended up in the ditch when I heard this.
   Seems an American visiting Germany needed help getting unstuck from something he climbed into. No, it wasn't a culvert, or anything like that. No. Our hero got stuck in a giant, concrete vagina! To the point where 4 firefighters had to literally pull the guy out! Talk about being 'born again'.
   It seems there is a huge sculpture of the female body part on prominent display somewhere in southern Germany, and our guy climbed into it for a picture when he slipped! The sculpture wasn't damaged, but I bet the guy feels like a giant cunt!
   'Nuff said

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