Sunday, July 15, 2012

Train vs People..A New Score

   Last time I checked in with this, Trains were leading People 4-2. Meaning 4 people died after being hit by freight trains in different parts of the country. Today, I'm happy to report, People have pulled out another win!
   It happened in Regina, Saskatchewan, again. It was several month's ago an extremely drunk man was hit, but survived with very minor injuries. Well, in that prairie city another man was just narrowly grazed by a CP train while trying to cross the tracks this weekend, making it Trains 4, People 3.
   If I was keeping count internationally, it would be tied at 4 after a man in Argentina crossed the tracks on a motor scooter..right in front of a train.
   But I`m not, so it`s 4-3. In addition to the 2 survivors in Regina, there was a guy in Thunder Bay, Ontario, who was so drunk he fell asleep between the rails, and a 70 meter train ran right over him. He had only minor injuries.
   Of our fatalities, 3 were listening to music on ear buds and never heard the train that smacked them. One was even texting at the time. The 4th was actually quite tragic after an apparently homeless man was hit trying to free a shopping cart he`d been using to pick bottles that got stuck at a crossing and he was hit.
   So, it`s Trains 4, People 3. At least in Canada.
   Come on People..lets not let Trains win!
   `Nuff said.

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