Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy Independence Day!!!

   It is the 4th of July, and to all my American friends a very Happy 4th of July from Canada! And while I'm at it, a bit of a rant.
   I'm tired of people bashing America and Americans. No one is perfect, and yes, there are problems in the U.S.A. But there are problems in Canada, and damn near every other country in the world too. But collectively (unless you live in a radical Islamic state or are a radical Muslim), we should all THANK America. And before you even ask `for what?', I'll tell you.
   First, and most recent, Thanks America for taking out the trash by taking out Osama bin-Laden. It took a massive set of cojones to do that. And while we're at it, Thanks to SEaL Team 6 for doing the job.
   Thanks America for taking us to the moon in 1969, and for giving us Tang (the drink). Just one little hiccup was the new math I had to learn in school.
   Vietnam aside, Thanks America for being a bulwark against communism from the '40's until it's fall in '91. And Thanks America for the efforts in men and material in World War 2.
   And lets not forget 9-11 and the tragedy that unfolded in New York, Washington and a field in Pennsylvania. Sure, security has been beefed up a lot since. And sure, passing through U.S customs and passport control is a bitch. But you know what? If that's the small price we have to pay, so be it. And with 9-11, we in Canada were happy to help with passenger jet landings etc.
   And before you ask, I'm not American, I'm Canadian, and goddamn proud to be. But I'm happy to reach across the longest undefended border in the world to say "Thanks America".
   So, Happy 4th of July my American friends!
   'Nuff said

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