Monday, July 23, 2012

The Face Of Evil?

   That's the guy police allege shot up that movie theatre in Aurora, Colorado last week. That's how James Holmes looked when he was in court today, with his dyed hair as some witnesses say the gunman appeared when he supposedly shouted "I am the Joker", and opened fire. He's due back in court next week, and a trial could be a year away. No word how long that will take, but it's sure to be weeks, if not months.
   Holmes could also face the death penalty if convicted, but even if he does, that would be years away, since an appeal of the conviction (when and if it happens) and sentence (whatever it is) is extremely likely.
   Now, I know there's due process to be followed, and the innocent until proven guilty aspect of the U.S and Canadian judicial systems, yada yada. And to keep HIM safe, he's in solitary confinement. And that's fine as far as it goes. But, without knowing for certain, I'm sure there are families and friends of all his victims who'd A: Like to get their hands on him, or B: Would like to see him housed in the general prison population.
   And if/when he IS found guilty, that's what should happen to him. Just put him in with the other cons and let them have their own particular form of justice, and not subject the families and friends to year after year of hearings and appeals.
   'Nuff said.

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