Friday, July 20, 2012

A Dark Night Indeed

   It says right in the American Constitution, 2nd amendment: A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed. Now it's true the amendment has been amended, sort of. In 2008, the U.S Supreme Court did rule an individual did have the right to keep and bear arms unconnected with the military, and for the purpose of self defence.
   But I don't see anything (at least what I've been able to glean) about the right to kill 12 innocent people and wound 59 others. You already know where I'm going with this, since it's made headlines around the world.
   I'm refering to the shooting spree at a theatre in Aurora, Colorado during a midnight screening of the latest Batman movie, "The Dark Knight Rises". A 24 year old man allegedly barged into the theatre, threw some kind of gas grenade in, then walked up the aisle shooting people. From what I've seen and heard, at first patrons thought it was part of the movie, since (apparently) there was a gun battle going on on the screen. It wasn't. And by the time the shooter had left, 12 were dead and almost 5 dozen wounded, including a 3 MONTH old baby, who is expected to recover.
   Among the dead is a 24 year old woman who narrowly escaped a shooting at the Eaton Centre in Toronto in June when she was visiting there from the States.
   The 24 year old suspect, identified as James Holmes, was armed with an AR-15 assault rifle, shotgun and a .40 cal Glock, and had another handgun in his nearby car. He supposedly also booby-trapped his apartment.
   O-kay. Time to stop sounding like the 6:00 o'clock news. I didn't mean to, but I had to lay out the history of this.
   Now the likelyhood of the U.S government returning the 2nd amendment to the right to bear arms in a militia is about the same as the sun rising in the west tomorrow, and setting in the north. But still I think it's time officials started looking at some form of gun control. Again, not likely to happen.
   And for anyone who thinks if someone else in the theatre who may have been packing heat could've "taken care" of the gunman, bullshit. Yeah, someone might've got off a lucky shot. But the chances are far higher that another innocent bystander would've been hit in the crossfire.
   As for the suspect, if and when convicted you should either be sentenced to death, be turned over to the families of the victims OR let loose in the general prison population for your fellow cons to sort out.
   And to the families of the dead, and those who were wounded, I hope you do find some peace in this.
   'Nuff said.

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