Saturday, July 7, 2012

"God" Might Exisit After All

   Not the mythical cloud-rider who likes to have animals sacrificed, and ordered genocide in the old testament. Not that god. The one I'm talking about may have been found. Or glimpsed actually. The Higgs-Boson particle has been sought for many years since it was first proposed. And now, scientists in Geneva using the Large Hadron Collider say they've seen it, or at least a trace of it.
   So, what's the big deal about a subatomic particle anyway? I'm certainly not a physicist, but from what I've managed to find out, Higgs-Boson is purported to be the means by which things in the Universe obtain their mass. Yeah, I know. It's pretty deep.
   Two teams of researchers claim to have seen hints of the god particle, but not enough to claim discovery. If they have found it, what does it mean? Well, some researchers say it could make faster than light travel possible, which would go against Einstein's teaching about the speed of light being an absolute.
   Now, I'm getting a headache from all this, so I'll wrap up by saying that I'll put my faith in a god particle before some invention of primitive man.
   'Nuff said.

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