Tuesday, December 30, 2014

These People Must Be A Special Kind Of Stupid

   That's if you have an emergency. What I heard this morning on my local radio station decidedly was not. Seems people have been calling one of the bigger 9-1-1 call centres in the country, with non-emergency garbage.
   I damn near scalded myself by almost dropping my double-double in my lap while heading to the office when I heard these. Everything from someone calling 9-1-1 to request a replacement for a slice of pizza, 'cause there's wasn't fresh, to someone looking for help finding their glasses!
   And the number one gripe of the centres "top 10"list: People calling to report wi-fi isn't working at their local coffee shop. Oh, my fucking god! Bone-heads like this should be fined at least 100 dollars for making such calls. And if they tie up the system to the point where someone is seriously hurt or dies because the operator was dealing with John-Q idiot, then that person should face criminal charges!
   'Nuff said.

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