Monday, December 15, 2014

Sill Selling 41 Years Later

   Pink Floyd's iconic "Dark Side Of The Moon" was released in 1973. It was #13 on the latest Billboard Top 200 Album list. Thanks to ultra cheap pricing on Google-Play. And the fact t's one of the greatest fucking albums of all time! The last time it entered the charts was in October 2011, when it was #12 after a re-issue. DSOTM has now spent a total of 889 weeks on the charts. That's a staggering 17 YEARS, and it's still a fucking good album!
   It's also proof (if any is needed) of the longevity of music from that era. The re-issues of Led Zeppelin's first 5 albums also peaked high on the charts. They're also over 40 years old.
   In fact, if I had to pick a Ratbag "Top5" albums they would be (in no particular order) Floyd's DSOTM, Zeppelin 4, Deep Purple Machine Head, the Beatles Sgt. Pepper and Sabbath's Paranoid.
   Yes, they're old. And yes, they're still relevant. Much more so than anything that little pus- bubble Justin Bieber has put out. Or most "rap stars" for that matter. Or a lot of today's "pop" singers. Lady Gaga comes to mind.
   Why? Because bands in the '70's could actually play the songs they recorded. Without lip-synching. Or canned "music". Or auto-tuning. They had something called "talent", which seems to be sadly lacking in the majority of the music industry today. Not saying there are no talented people out there. There are. Just few and far between.
   And my favorite line from DSOTM is the final one: "There is no dark side of the moon. As a matter of fact, it's all dark".
   'Nuff said.

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