Sunday, December 14, 2014

Glad I Don't Follow Trends

   I'll get to the topic in a minute. First, I must apologize for the last of posts lately (the last one was November 26th). I can only say I've been busy lately, even working some weekends, which is not normal for me to have to do. But, we've been short staffed lately, and we all need to "pitch in" and do our part,.

   Now, to the topic of THIS post. I'm kind of a stay the course type of person, who doesn't "rock the boat" too much. Not that I haven't, and not that I'm what you call overly compliant. I do my thing, and do it very well. And if my hair's longer than most everyone else in the office, so what.
   But even I have my own personal line that I'll never cross, and the following are way over that line.
   First, there's beard baubles:
   And they are just what they look like. X-mas decorations stuck on a beard. To be fair, profits from the sale of these are going to charity, but honestly the fucking things would look better on a tree. I've had a full beard in the past, and I can honestly say the thought of taking mini decorations off the tree and attaching them to my bear never occurred..
   Then, there's the latest trend for the fairer sex:
   Yup! Dyed arm-pit hair. Maybe I AM old-fashioned, but this isn't exactly a sexy turn-on for me. Or a lot of guys for that matter. This new 'trend' apparently started in Seattle a few months back and, unfortunately, is catching on. Or so it seems to be. I just don't find it attractive.
   So, yeah. I guess I am a stay the course, don't rock the boat kind of guy after all.
   'Nuff said

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