Wednesday, December 24, 2014


   On all 5 charges, too. The jury in Luka Magnotta's trial took a few days, but found this piece of shit guilty of 1st degree murder and 4 other charges in the May 2012 killing and dismemberment of Chinese student Jun Lin. Those "other charges" included offering an indignity to a human being, publishing offensive material (mailing body parts to political offices in Ottawa and a school in B.C), and harassing the Prime Minister and other parliamentarians.
   And now, the Canadian taxpayer will have to cover the cist of his incarceration, likely to exceed 120 thousand dollars a year for at east 25 years. Luka will get "special" treatment, likely segregated away from other prisoners. After all (engage sarcasm button) we do have to keep him safe and sound, don't we. We can't allow other nasty prisoners to harm him, can we (disengage sarcasm button).
   This poor excuse for a human being will, in all likelihood, appeal the conviction and mandatory life with no parole for 25 years sentence to the Quebec Court of Appeal. And when they uphold it, the Supreme Court of Canada.
   Look. He ADMITTED  killing Lin, but said he should be found not guilty due to a mental disorder. Cry me a fucking river. It's just a fucking shame the spineless politicians we elect won't bring back the Death Penalty for assholes like Magnotta and others like him.
   It's just a shame officials can't put him in the prison cantina with other inmates, lock the doors and switch off the security cameras for 15 minutes or so. Let the prison justice system do what our namby-pamby system can't. Kill the fucker.
   And finally, a note to Jun Lin's parents, family and friends. Sorry if the translation is off a bit:
   'Nuff said

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