Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Haven't I Done For A While? I Know: RANT!!!!!

   Tis true! I haven't blown a gasket in months. No wonder I've been a little more pissy than usual lately. So, time to blow off some steam (and embarrass a few people while I'm at it).
   Social media. It's wonderful, isn't it? It gives me a chance to vent on this blog platform. I can communicate with friends and family thousands of miles away either via email or Facebook. But some people are simply too fucking stupid to use it, and/or can't leave it alone.
   Example: A woman in the U.S got busted for shoplifting recently. She wasn't nabbed by an eagle-eye store dick walking the aisles looking for pilferers. Nor was she caught at the checkout with some articles tucked up her skirt. Nope. This stupid bitch walked out of the store with a dress and other items, got home, got changed into the gear she took without paying, took a selfie and posted it as her facebook cover page!
   Oh. my fucking god! I just hope she never breeds. Or gets the chance to.
   Mass example: In Washington DC, National Geographic recently put "cell phone" lanes on a sidewalk down one block. Basically, they divided it in lanes marked "cell phone", "no cell phone" and "walk at your own risk". Surprise, surprise: many pedestrians seemed to ignore the markings, though there were some who took pictures of the novel signage. No word if there were any accidents.
   O-kay: I admit it. I'm a facebook junkie. But I also know enough to stop checking my page to see how many "likes", "shares" and "comments" I've had every 5 minutes or less. That can wait until I'm finished WORK.. And I also admit I carry a cell phone when I'm away from home. When I'm at home, it gets ignored, left of a counter in the kitchen, usually on charge. The people I know have my land-line and email address, so staying in touch shouldn't be a big deal.
   I never EVER take selfies, which I find both arrogant and at times ignorant. I also know when to either power off my cell, or simply ignore it when it rings/vibrates. Especially when I'm driving. If it's important, they'll leave a message.
   So, put down that cell phone, don't post that selfie you took in clothes you just stole from a store. Keep your head up and look around you. You might find the world is a wonderful place, and a lot bigger than that screen you've been staring at for hours.
   'Nuff said.

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