Thursday, July 10, 2014

It Should Be Called "The Running Of The Darwins"

   Yep. It's time for the annual lunacy in Pamplona, Spain known as the running of the bulls. Basically, people line up in the crowded streets of the town and run while several pissed off, fully grown male bovines with sharp horns stampede after them.
   Already, at least 6 people have been gored, and the festival still has days to go. In fact, listening to one of my local radio stations this morning, I heard that the guy who wrote the definitive book an running with the bulls was himself gored!
   Poetic justice?, or did he skip over a chapter of his own book.
   I've diced with death a few times, and had the Grim Reaper's sharpened scythe swish past my head. So I'm not going to put myself in a position where I can be gored by 2 thousand pounds of seething, raging bull. Nor am I going to put myself in a position to be trampled by said mad cows, or members of the herd of prospective Darwin's trying to scamper out of the way.
   'Nuff said

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