Monday, July 7, 2014


   Yup! Pope Frankie has (like his past predecessor) apologized AGAIN for the sex scandal that continues rocking the church. Not only did he say 'sorry', but actually begged for forgiveness when he met with 6 victims of pedophile priests. Which is fine, as far as it went.
   The problem is, and continues to be, words are not enough. This time, like others, there are no actions to address the situation and make sure it won't happen again. In fact, he made no mention whatsoever on whether bishops and other prelates would be fired for shunting kiddie diddling priests from parish to parish or didn't let cops know about them.
   In fact, one victim asked Frank to remove a cardinal (not the bird) from his post over the way he handled (or mishandled) her case. Apparently, Frankie declined. So, aside from a 'sorry', without an 'it won't happen again', where are we? Pretty much where we were decades ago when the sexual abuse of kids was (allegedly) prevalent.
   Will things change? The short answer, at least from me, is a strong "No". Which really is a shame for the victims who should get some closure in their cases. At least, other than the files the Vatican wants to keep under wraps.
   'Nuff said.

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