Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Reality" T.V Has Finally Gone Too Far

   "American Idol" "Dancing With The Stars" "The Voice". Just 3 reasons why I never watch broadcast or cable TV anymore. And now, I can add a 4th. VH-1 will premier "Dating Naked" tonight. As the title of the show indicates, a man and woman will date 2 different, naked suitors. It's supposed to be in an 'exotic' setting, sans any and all clothing but the birthday suits. Edited "according to network standards", of course.
   A network rep was quoted as saying "We never meant for this to be an exploitative show. This is a family show". Who's family for fuck sakes? Said rep also went on to say "When you actually watch the show, you will get to see that it’s a lot more about connecting with people than it is about the nudity". Yeah, right. How many people will tune in for the 'social' aspect of any connectivity.
   And from what I heard on one of my local radio stations today, the female contestants certainly won't have much difficulty seeing what response they get from their male counterpart. I'm no prude. Far from it. But this is simply exploiting a titillating circumstance in a cheap ratings ploy. Honestly, I don't see how this show can 'stand up' in the long run. And while I freely admit I'm curious, I'm also damn glad we don't get VH-1.
   'Nuff said.

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