Tuesday, July 22, 2014

What Haven't I Done For A While? I Know: RANT!!!!!

   Tis true! I haven't blown a gasket in months. No wonder I've been a little more pissy than usual lately. So, time to blow off some steam (and embarrass a few people while I'm at it).
   Social media. It's wonderful, isn't it? It gives me a chance to vent on this blog platform. I can communicate with friends and family thousands of miles away either via email or Facebook. But some people are simply too fucking stupid to use it, and/or can't leave it alone.
   Example: A woman in the U.S got busted for shoplifting recently. She wasn't nabbed by an eagle-eye store dick walking the aisles looking for pilferers. Nor was she caught at the checkout with some articles tucked up her skirt. Nope. This stupid bitch walked out of the store with a dress and other items, got home, got changed into the gear she took without paying, took a selfie and posted it as her facebook cover page!
   Oh. my fucking god! I just hope she never breeds. Or gets the chance to.
   Mass example: In Washington DC, National Geographic recently put "cell phone" lanes on a sidewalk down one block. Basically, they divided it in lanes marked "cell phone", "no cell phone" and "walk at your own risk". Surprise, surprise: many pedestrians seemed to ignore the markings, though there were some who took pictures of the novel signage. No word if there were any accidents.
   O-kay: I admit it. I'm a facebook junkie. But I also know enough to stop checking my page to see how many "likes", "shares" and "comments" I've had every 5 minutes or less. That can wait until I'm finished WORK.. And I also admit I carry a cell phone when I'm away from home. When I'm at home, it gets ignored, left of a counter in the kitchen, usually on charge. The people I know have my land-line and email address, so staying in touch shouldn't be a big deal.
   I never EVER take selfies, which I find both arrogant and at times ignorant. I also know when to either power off my cell, or simply ignore it when it rings/vibrates. Especially when I'm driving. If it's important, they'll leave a message.
   So, put down that cell phone, don't post that selfie you took in clothes you just stole from a store. Keep your head up and look around you. You might find the world is a wonderful place, and a lot bigger than that screen you've been staring at for hours.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"Reality" T.V Has Finally Gone Too Far

   "American Idol" "Dancing With The Stars" "The Voice". Just 3 reasons why I never watch broadcast or cable TV anymore. And now, I can add a 4th. VH-1 will premier "Dating Naked" tonight. As the title of the show indicates, a man and woman will date 2 different, naked suitors. It's supposed to be in an 'exotic' setting, sans any and all clothing but the birthday suits. Edited "according to network standards", of course.
   A network rep was quoted as saying "We never meant for this to be an exploitative show. This is a family show". Who's family for fuck sakes? Said rep also went on to say "When you actually watch the show, you will get to see that it’s a lot more about connecting with people than it is about the nudity". Yeah, right. How many people will tune in for the 'social' aspect of any connectivity.
   And from what I heard on one of my local radio stations today, the female contestants certainly won't have much difficulty seeing what response they get from their male counterpart. I'm no prude. Far from it. But this is simply exploiting a titillating circumstance in a cheap ratings ploy. Honestly, I don't see how this show can 'stand up' in the long run. And while I freely admit I'm curious, I'm also damn glad we don't get VH-1.
   'Nuff said.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

Benny Beat Frank

   It was the "battle of the popes" in the final of the 2014 World Cup in Brazil, and Germany beat Argentina 1-0 in extra time.
   It was also the first, and likely the last, time 2 living popes were cheering their respective teams.
   Benny 16:
   Is, of course German, while Frank 1:
   Is Argentinian.
   No one has said if the 2 "duked it out" so to speak watching the match together. But since one is over 80, and the other damn near 80, I wouldn't be surprised if  they decided against staying up late to watch.
   I just wonder if Benny was singing Deutschland über alles after the match.
   'Nuff said.

Thursday, July 10, 2014

It Should Be Called "The Running Of The Darwins"

   Yep. It's time for the annual lunacy in Pamplona, Spain known as the running of the bulls. Basically, people line up in the crowded streets of the town and run while several pissed off, fully grown male bovines with sharp horns stampede after them.
   Already, at least 6 people have been gored, and the festival still has days to go. In fact, listening to one of my local radio stations this morning, I heard that the guy who wrote the definitive book an running with the bulls was himself gored!
   Poetic justice?, or did he skip over a chapter of his own book.
   I've diced with death a few times, and had the Grim Reaper's sharpened scythe swish past my head. So I'm not going to put myself in a position where I can be gored by 2 thousand pounds of seething, raging bull. Nor am I going to put myself in a position to be trampled by said mad cows, or members of the herd of prospective Darwin's trying to scamper out of the way.
   'Nuff said

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

The Final Is Set

   And it was Argentina over Netherlands 4-2 on penalty kicks, meaning it's Europe against South America in both the championship and 3rd place matches at the World Cup in Brazil. It wasn't a spectacular semi final, either. Both teams were very evenly matched. In fact, a little too evenly, since they couldn't get it done in regulation or extra time.
   I'm expecting Saturday's 3rd place game (which I won't be able to see) to be the more exciting of the 2 remaining matches. Traditionally, the gold medal game is more defensive minded, rather than offensive. And I don't think Argentina is going to get a pants-down spanking like Brazil got at the hands of the Germans either. Brazil, in the other hand, will be out for revenge Saturday, so the Dutch better hope the Germans left a few holes in the Yellow and Blue defence.
   And I'm now wondering which team Brazilian fans will cheer for Sunday. You'd expect it not to be Germany, after the 7-1 shit-kicking they handed out. But there's also a long rivalry with Argentina as well.
   If I was a betting man, which I'm not, I think I'd pick Brazil Saturday, and Germany Sunday. Which will likely be way fucking wrong!
   'Nuff said.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Really? 7-1? WTF!?!

   In Portuguese, Belo Horizonte means Beautiful Horizon. Today, a black and red storm cloud descended on that Brazilian city, and provided a huge soccer shocker.
   In sports like hockey and baseball, a 7-1 loss is embarrassing. When you lose 7-1 in football (soccer to North Americans), it's worse than embarrassing. In fact, it's downright shameful. Especially when you're the host country of the 2014 World Cup, and you get beaten in the semi-finals. That's what happened today to powerhouse Brazil, which had been a pre-tournament favorite to win it all. They'll now play for bronze after being pasted by Germany today.
   In football, where a high scoring game could be 4-2 or 3-1, 8 goals is outrageous. Scoring 7 against a team is unheard of. Germany poured in 5 in the first half alone. So, what the fuck happened? Brazil came out strong in the opening minutes, then apparently forgot they were playing a semi-final in the World Cup. Their defence was like Swiss cheese, and the goaltending was, and I'll be generous, not what you'd expect from someone the calibre of a Julio Cesar.
   It's not even so much what the Brazilians did wrong (which was pretty much everything), but what the Germans did right. Their blitzkrieg offence was spot on, and their defence stood up, until the 90th minute when Brazil got a consolation  goal. Small consolation.
   But you have to wonder how badly Brazil's confidence was hurt when their star player, Neymar, suffered a broken vertebrae in the quarterfinal. And the suspension of their captain Thiago Silva after he got 2 yellow cards in the tournament. What role did those play in the Brazilians getting waxed? Simply stated, the Yellow and Blue shit the bed.
   And with the lop-sided win, Germany served further notice that they are very much the team to beat. We'll find out Wednesday if it's Argentina or Netherlands to face them Sunday for the crown.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, July 7, 2014


   Yup! Pope Frankie has (like his past predecessor) apologized AGAIN for the sex scandal that continues rocking the church. Not only did he say 'sorry', but actually begged for forgiveness when he met with 6 victims of pedophile priests. Which is fine, as far as it went.
   The problem is, and continues to be, words are not enough. This time, like others, there are no actions to address the situation and make sure it won't happen again. In fact, he made no mention whatsoever on whether bishops and other prelates would be fired for shunting kiddie diddling priests from parish to parish or didn't let cops know about them.
   In fact, one victim asked Frank to remove a cardinal (not the bird) from his post over the way he handled (or mishandled) her case. Apparently, Frankie declined. So, aside from a 'sorry', without an 'it won't happen again', where are we? Pretty much where we were decades ago when the sexual abuse of kids was (allegedly) prevalent.
   Will things change? The short answer, at least from me, is a strong "No". Which really is a shame for the victims who should get some closure in their cases. At least, other than the files the Vatican wants to keep under wraps.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Before I Forget

   Happy Independence Day to my American friends. Have a safe and happy 4th of July!
   'Nuff said.