Wednesday, June 25, 2014

'Lil Kim Is Mad

   Not the rap 'star" lil Kim either. I'm talking about everyone's favorite tinpot megalomaniac dictator, North Korea's Kim Jong Un. Or as I like to call him (like his father before him), Sum Dum Fuk. Seems Kimmy's got his diaper in a knot over a new comedy movie where the plot is to "Kill Kim".
   In fact, he's apparently so miffed that sources say if the U.S doesn't block the release of "The Interview", he calls it an act of war! The plot of this movie (apparently) is that a producer and talk show host land an interview with Kim, and are asked by the CIA to bump him off. Fuk, pardon me, Kim, says if the movie is released, the U.S will face, and this is a direct quote "merciless retaliation".
   Boo fucking hoo Kim, boo fucking hoo. As unlikely as it seems, if the U.S does in fact bow to this idiotic excuse for a human and does block the release, I have an alternative version which would also see a Kim assassinated. That would be the Kardashian version.
   I can dream, can't I?
   'Nuff said.

Monday, June 23, 2014

Get High Forceps

   I damn near had an accident this morning. I was driving around, listening to one of our local radio stations when the morning guys blurted out this little item. And how they managed to keep a straight face is beyond me. I fucking near ended up in the ditch when I heard this.
   Seems an American visiting Germany needed help getting unstuck from something he climbed into. No, it wasn't a culvert, or anything like that. No. Our hero got stuck in a giant, concrete vagina! To the point where 4 firefighters had to literally pull the guy out! Talk about being 'born again'.
   It seems there is a huge sculpture of the female body part on prominent display somewhere in southern Germany, and our guy climbed into it for a picture when he slipped! The sculpture wasn't damaged, but I bet the guy feels like a giant cunt!
   'Nuff said

Thursday, June 19, 2014

We're Never Going To Get Rid Of Them

   So it would seem. Despite, or maybe because of falling ratings for their "reality" TV show, Kim Kartrashian is now going to invade the video game world. I wish I could say I was shitting you, but unfortunately, it's true.
   KK has launched a viral abomination called Kim Kardashian: Hollywood. Oh, my fucking god! It comes out next week on Google play and the app store. The "plot", if you can call it that, is simple. You go shopping for shit to make the celebrity A-list. Which proves it IS a game after all, since KK is (hopefully) going to remain in the C or maybe even D-list.
   Maybe the goal is to eventually get KK back on the mother ship and home to the planet Kardash. If so, please take the rest of the family with you KK. Please!!
   'Nuff said.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Hockey's Finally Over!

   And about time. Don't get me wrong, I like hockey. But when the NHL regular season starts October 1st, and the final game of Stanley Cup is won on June 13, I think it dragged on way to long. Put it into perspective. If a woman got pregnant on the first day of the regular season she'd have had the baby before it ended. That means the season goes on too long.
   Part of the problem is the number of teams in the NHL. 30. And not all of them are money makers, either. Maybe it's tome the league looked at chopping a few of the less well attended cities. And then, there's the whole playoff structure. It seems like all teams need to do is play .500 hockey to make the post season. Far too many teams get into the playoffs, dragging it on way too long.
   Perhaps hockey should take a page from baseball and have the top team in the division get the bye, with the next 2 teams battling it out in a best of 3 to decide who advances. Last year's baseball season ran 7 months, including the playoffs.
   I mean, do we need hockey in June? I think not, but then I'm probably in the minority. And the L.A Kings won the Stanley Cup 4 games to 2 over the New York Rangers.
   'Nuff said.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Another Reason We Need The Death Penalty In Canada

   That's 24 year old Justin Bourque. He (allegedly) shot 5 members of the RCMP in Moncton, New Brunswick earlier this week, killing 3 and wounding 2. The ensuing manhunt for this scum saw most of the city shut down for 30 hours before his arrest early this morning.
   We know what happened, but we don't know why, at least not yet. And we may never know, either, thanks to the "justice" system in this country, which seems to treat those charged with a crime a fuck of a lot better than the victims and their families. For all we know, this douche may never go to trial. He may be found "not criminally responsible" due to "mental health" issues, and never see the inside of a prison, but be housed in a psychiatric facility. How can he NOT be criminally responsible? He's wearing fucking camo, and carrying 2 fucking guns! Where's the "justice" in that? One of the officers had a 19 month old baby. Will there be justice for his family? Will there be justice for the families of the other 2 slain Mounties? If he's deemed "not criminally responsible" no.
   If he IS found fit to stand trial and is convicted, he could get life with no parole for 25 years. Which would make him 49 when/if he gets out. That's fair..........NOT! Especially when you know he'll be treated as a hero in jail for killing cops.
   To me, the only way to deal with cop killers and other murderers (once convicted) is take them out into a field, make them kneel down and put a bullet in the base of their skulls.
   At least that way, taxpayers wouldn't be on the hook for the 90 thousand dollars a year it costs to keep guys like him jailed.
   'Nuff said.

Monday, June 2, 2014

The "Beeb" Strikes Again

   Yep! Justin Bieber is at it again. Seems he has gone and used the "N" word in a joke he told when he was 15. He says he didn't realize the power (if you wanna call it that) of the word, and has apologized for it. Which is commendable. As far as it goes. Which ain't very far.
   From a guy who pissed in a janitor's bucket in the kitchen of a restaurant, spit on his 'fans' from a hotel balcony, and faces legal problems that seem to grow every day, you almost have to wonder just how sincere his 'apology' was.
   And for once. I'm gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. (Yeah. Given what I've said about him in the past, I'm wondering about that myself.) Perhaps as a 15 year old he didn't know how hurtful the word is. But the people around him should have, and should have stopped him. Which they didn't. The word is one I personally would like to have classed as a racist attack, and subject to any and all prosecution for any hate crime. It's a filthy word, and it's a shame it's part of any language. The same as any derogatory slang term is to any race, creed or color.
   'Nuff said