Monday, May 19, 2014

I Bet The Lawyers Fees And Commission Would Be High...If He Can Get One

   It seems some guy in the States is suing almost everyone and everything in New York City. And not for a paltry million or so. Not even for a billion. Nope. Seems our friend is going for the whole enchilada, and is asking for 2 undecillion dollars. That's 2 with 36 zeroes after it. That's a spicy meatball!
   But why? What set this idiot off? Well, it seems he's pissed off with the transit system, an airport, several stores, a couple of hospitals, a dog owner and 2 "Chinese" people.
   The 22 page statement of claim (among other things) alleges he was overcharged for every cup of coffee he bought at La Guardia airport. It also says he was bit by what he claims was a rabid dog on a New York Transit bus.
   The hospital and the "Chinese couple" are being sued because the couple took "unauthorized" photos of him while he was waiting for treatment.
   Now, I'm no lawyer, but I'm thinking buddy's suit will be thrown out, and he'll be assessed costs. As for getting legal representation, I'm thinking he's going to end up representing himself, 'cause there's no lawyer stupid enough to take the case on.
   And I'm not naming the guy. He fucking well might sue ME for a couple hundred billion!
   'Nuff said.

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