Saturday, January 28, 2017

This Is All Bullshit

   Donald Trump has been in office for 8 days EIGHT DAYS. And he seems to be turning America back fucking near 70 or 80 years. He's torn up trade agreements. He's ordered the building of the Wall, and says Mexico will pay for it. To which Mexico has said: Vete a la mierda. Trump hints there could be sanctions slapped on imports which (some say) would end up costing Americans instead. How that would work, I haven't got a fucking clue, since I can balance my bank accounts, but that's about it when it comes to finances.
   What else has he done. Oh, yeah. He's slapped travel restrictions on several countries (mainly Muslim), to which Iran has responded by barring Americans, although I don't think of Iran as a major holiday destination. He's asked for the nuclear program to ramp up. And he continues to obsess over his popularity, claiming voter fraud, since he didn't get the popular vote. Mr. Trump: You won the only fucking vote that really counts, the electoral college. Get over it for fuck sake.
   And don't think I'm coming off as liberal. I'm not. I'm a long, long way from being liberal. A LONG way. But I am, however, of the mindset that The Donald is going a bit too far with some of his pronouncements. I alluded to the clock being turned back at the start of this rapidly becoming a rant instead of a post. That's a reference to the isolationism that ran rampant in the U.S "back in the day" in the 1930's. Create jobs for Americans-YES. Put American interests first-MAYBE. It's fine to preach that, but it well may backfire. International trade is a key to any economy, especially with the burgeoning powerhouse China (which Trump is also pissing off). By all means, look after #1, but don't shit all over your established trading partners who need you just as much as you need them.
   As for suspending travel from certain countries...I don't think that's such a bright idea. I believe he may have made the move with the intent of keeping radical Islamists out. Which in itself may be fine. But to suspend visas and (in some cases entry) simply due to someone's country of origin smacks of Nazism, with all that entailed.
   Holy Shit! This DID turn into a rant.
   'Nuff said

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