Thursday, January 19, 2017

Now THAT'S A Beer

   In past years, I've blogged about beer. But I heard something on my local radio station today about a beer that isn't just any old run-of-the-mill specially produced brewski. This suds is SPECIALLY specially produced. And it's for one person only. Seems there's an outfit in Merry Olde England that'll produce 12 hectoliters of beer tailored to your own personal taste.
   And they use your DNA to brew it. Actually, they scan your genes (from a saliva sample you provide), and map your personal taste profile, things like bitterness, sweetness etc, then come up with a recipe for a beer to suit your taste buds perfectly.
   Again, this is in London, England, so I don't suppose there's much chance it'll be coming to Canada or the U.S.A anytime soon. And it's probably just as well, given the cost. That 12 hectoliters (equivalent to about 2000 pints) will run you 25 THOUSAND Pounds. That's $40 thou Canadian, about $31 grand in the U.S. Then, there's the little matter of volume. 2000 pints is a LOT of beer, and unless you have a LOT of people with your exact taste, I'm thinking a lot of it will get skunky long before you crack 'em all.
   Still, if I had the money, I'd give it a try. My liver might not thank me, but I'd giver it a go.
   'Nuff said.

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