Tuesday, January 3, 2017

An Epic Fail?

   Everything I've read suggests it was. Mariah Carey "performed" at the Dick Clark Rockin' New Years Eve (I think that's what it's called) on Saturday. If you consider fucking up a lip-synch set as a performance. SHE claims there was a problem with the monitors. SHE claims she was "set up" for a fail by the producers. Something they vehemently deny. I'll be fair here, I did not watch the show. I was safely tucked in bed about 9:30, trying to stay warm. Generally, I don't stay up late anyway, and certainly not for Mariah Carey.
   That said, everything I've seen points to a screw up on her end, rather than the production team. I mean, just how bad are you to fuck up a lip-synch? In her case, I guess pretty bad, since she's been caught mouthing the words to her own songs more than once. Why not just get out on stage and do your show live? Unless you can't, and need your tracks pre-recorded for you to mouth over.
   Which IMHO is pretty sad. The Rolling Stones just released a new CD they recorded (Blue & Lonesome) in just 3 sessions and which, for the most part, was a live performance. And the Stones are just one example of people using their talent. Zeppelin, Floyd, Queen, AC/DC, the Eagles, George Straight and a host of others actually played LIVE at their gigs. Yes, they had problems with monitors and other gear, but NO, they did not blame the producer of their shows. They simply got on with the business at hand and played their concert.
   But, I guess this shows what a lack of innate talent ends up looking and sounding like. To her credit, I'm sure Mariah has given stellar live shows in the past. But not that night.
   Again, judging from what I've seen and heard about it, I'm glad I went to bed at 9:30 and missed the 'show'. But the other part of me kinda wishes I'd stayed up and watched a really good train wreck.
   Happy New Year!
  'Nuff said.

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