Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Fuck Off, 2016

(Photo credit to The Poke)
     I for one won't be sorry to see this year end, given the spate of famous people who shuffled off this mortal coil and joined the choir invisible. I suppose if you did a statistical comparison with any other year, the number of celebrity deaths would probably be pretty close to the number we lost this year, and I know we can't blame a year for the spate of deaths. But it does seem 2016 was particularly harsh for famous people who died. Carrie Fisher was the latest, but we also said good-bye to David Bowie, Alan Rickman, Gene Wilder, Prince, Muhammad Ali, John Glen, Glenn Frey and George Michael. Just to name a few.
   Perhaps it's the fact this was a Leap Year? O-kay, not likely. But the Grim Reaper did seem to have his scythe very sharp the past 362 days (as of this post). And with 4 days still left in the year (again, as of this post), you wonder "who's next"?
   I really don't wish ill on anyone, but if the man in the black robes is a viewer, I've got a short list. And these are not who I class as A-list celebrities. More like Q or even Z list. So, if you are out there Mr. Reaper, and are still looking to fill a quota, would you be so kind as to take.....well, karma's a bitch, so I won't give names here. But there is a certain young singer with the initials J.B, a rap 'star' with the initials K.W and his wife K.K. Again, not a wish or "hit" list, but if you're looking for a few extras to round out the year, some suggestions.
   Oh, yeah. Happy 2017.
   'Nuff said.

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