Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Yeah, Sure. O-kay

   So, that's the logo for the NHL's 31st team, the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Seriously, how fucking un-inspiring is that? Better question: Who came up with it, and how much were they paid?!? You know the name will be shortened to "Vegas Knights", and all that entails in Sin City.
   I suppose it could be worse. They could be called the "Gamblers" or even worse still, name them after a very popular dice game played there. The "Vegas Craps". Which might be an option for them if the team plays as poorly as say, the Toronto Maple Leafs. At least it's better than calling them something like "The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim".
   The question I have for Commissioner Gary Bettman is why not give Quebec City a team again? Oh, yeah. Money. Vegas is swimming in it. Quebec ain't. And this move (like naming a team "The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim" after a fucking Disney movie) is among the many reasons I gave up on the NHL years ago. There are too many teams, the season is way too long, and the playoffs go on for fucking ever. I fact, someone once figured out that if a woman got pregnant on the first day of the regular season (not the pre-season), there's a very good chance she'd spit the kid out before the Stanley Cup was decided. If the final went 7 games. That's too long.
  Rather than expand, contract. Shut down the money losing teams, and there are a few, and scale back the league to say 24 teams.
   And make the playoffs like baseball. Top team gets into the divisional final, next 2 play a 1 game "wild card" to see who advances. That'd streamline the whole she-bang. And it would avoid the race to hospital after the wife goes into labour just ahead of O.T in game 7 of the final.
   Rant over
   'Nuff said.

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