Friday, November 4, 2016

Ramping Up Again

   After a year of near obscurity (and with a new focus on a bunch of stuff) I'm reactivating this platform. I'm not going to post as often as I have in the past, but I am making a comeback of sorts.
   When I indicated last October that I was "shutting down". I mentioned 3 reasons. Religion, the Kardashians, and Kim Jung-Un, and my seeming inability to find anything else to blog about. So, naturally, I'm kicking the re-launch off with 'Lil Kim (aka Sum Dum Fuk).
   The big question these days surrounds the well being of his wife, Ri Sol-ju, who married Kim back in 2012.
   Apparently, she hasn't been seen in more than 7 months, and that's lead to speculation about her 'health'. There are rumors she's pregnant. There are rumors she "fell out" with 'Lil Kim's sister, who runs some government department or something. Some even say she's fucked off for the West which, for her, would be the smart choice.
   'Lil Kim's got a thing about bumping off family members and others who cross him up. He fed an uncle to the dogs, and had a military commander executed by firing squad. With an anti-aircraft gun. So, getting rid of the missus probably isn't outside the realm of believability for the fat fuk.
   Maybe someone should check the palace kennels to see if the hounds have been getting fatter. Hell, it might be the start of a new North Korean fad, their version of "Where's Waldo"......"Where's Ri Sol-ju"?
   'Nuff said.

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