Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fukkin' Really America?

   Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the U.S after his electoral win last night. The question is: Why? Why him? I will make this as crystal clear as I possibly can. I AM NOT A HILLARY CLINTON SUPPORTER. Never have been, never will be. That said, you folks south of the border were in a "Sophie's Choice" scenario, but was the lesser of the 2 evils really him? If you believe even 1/8th of the shit printed about The Donald, he was a business failure who had some half dozen bankruptcies. Several other ventures tied to him were also fails. He's supposedly a sexist, racist bigot. And still he was elected POTUS.
   Not that Hillary was exactly squeaky clean, either, what with the email problems and all. But she at least knew what the corridors of power were like, having walked them several times.
   So, now the fun begins. Trump needs to put together a good transition team to work with Obama before he takes over January 20th. And with a Republican controlled House and Senate, he at least will be able to do things. Maybe even "Make America Great Again".
   I'll also say this about him. Like him or not, he is not stupid, although some media would like us to believe. I hope he's smart enough to listen to advisers, and actually take their advice. If not, America, and possibly the rest of the world, will be a shambolic mess when he leaves.
   But back to the title of this semi-rant: Fukkin' Really America? What were you all drinking last night? Was it a "free tequila night" or something. If it was (and again I'm NOT a Hillary supporter) enjoy your 4 year long hangover. I hope it was worth it!
   'Nuff said.

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