Friday, November 25, 2016

He's Getting What?

   Kanye West is in hospital in a "poor mental state". Boo-fucking-hoo. To say I'm not a fan of Mr. Kardashian is a vast understatement. I'm even less of a fan (if that's possible) after hearing about this. Seems K has ended a couple of his "concerts" early before he was taken in for care in L.A. And as a result, he's had to cancel 21 more. And this is where I have a huge problem.
   Seems his insurance policy is going to kick in which covers lost profits and financial obligations for cancelled concerts due to illness, and he could MAKE up to 30 million dollars. Jesus fucking Christ! Where the fuck do I sign up for an insurance policy that pays me for not showing up for work? Oh. Shit. That's right. I already have one. It's called "unemployment insurance", cause if I pulled the same shit, I'd get my ass fired.
   Now, I'm not saying this is a scam, but it sure seems a little self serving for KW to get paid for not working. I just wonder if this is the same insurance company that covered the loss from Kween Kim's "robbery" in Paris, when she had her jewelry snatched. I have yet to hear if French police have made any headway on that. Or is Inspector Clouseau overseeing that investigation.
   Sorry, got off topic there. At the risk of slandering KW, I won't tell you exactly how I feel about him, but I will let my feelings be known about his "music", if you can call it that. Maybe I'm just (way) to old to pick up on what he's laying down, but "rap" to me is the musical equivalent of a combination of projectile vomiting and explosive diarrhea.
   And Kanye, if you are genuinely ill, I don't wish you any further distress. If this IS a con, grow up you kunt.
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Yeah, Sure. O-kay

   So, that's the logo for the NHL's 31st team, the Las Vegas Golden Knights. Whoop-de-fucking-do. Seriously, how fucking un-inspiring is that? Better question: Who came up with it, and how much were they paid?!? You know the name will be shortened to "Vegas Knights", and all that entails in Sin City.
   I suppose it could be worse. They could be called the "Gamblers" or even worse still, name them after a very popular dice game played there. The "Vegas Craps". Which might be an option for them if the team plays as poorly as say, the Toronto Maple Leafs. At least it's better than calling them something like "The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim".
   The question I have for Commissioner Gary Bettman is why not give Quebec City a team again? Oh, yeah. Money. Vegas is swimming in it. Quebec ain't. And this move (like naming a team "The Mighty Ducks of Anaheim" after a fucking Disney movie) is among the many reasons I gave up on the NHL years ago. There are too many teams, the season is way too long, and the playoffs go on for fucking ever. I fact, someone once figured out that if a woman got pregnant on the first day of the regular season (not the pre-season), there's a very good chance she'd spit the kid out before the Stanley Cup was decided. If the final went 7 games. That's too long.
  Rather than expand, contract. Shut down the money losing teams, and there are a few, and scale back the league to say 24 teams.
   And make the playoffs like baseball. Top team gets into the divisional final, next 2 play a 1 game "wild card" to see who advances. That'd streamline the whole she-bang. And it would avoid the race to hospital after the wife goes into labour just ahead of O.T in game 7 of the final.
   Rant over
   'Nuff said.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Fukkin' Really America?

   Donald Trump will be the 45th President of the U.S after his electoral win last night. The question is: Why? Why him? I will make this as crystal clear as I possibly can. I AM NOT A HILLARY CLINTON SUPPORTER. Never have been, never will be. That said, you folks south of the border were in a "Sophie's Choice" scenario, but was the lesser of the 2 evils really him? If you believe even 1/8th of the shit printed about The Donald, he was a business failure who had some half dozen bankruptcies. Several other ventures tied to him were also fails. He's supposedly a sexist, racist bigot. And still he was elected POTUS.
   Not that Hillary was exactly squeaky clean, either, what with the email problems and all. But she at least knew what the corridors of power were like, having walked them several times.
   So, now the fun begins. Trump needs to put together a good transition team to work with Obama before he takes over January 20th. And with a Republican controlled House and Senate, he at least will be able to do things. Maybe even "Make America Great Again".
   I'll also say this about him. Like him or not, he is not stupid, although some media would like us to believe. I hope he's smart enough to listen to advisers, and actually take their advice. If not, America, and possibly the rest of the world, will be a shambolic mess when he leaves.
   But back to the title of this semi-rant: Fukkin' Really America? What were you all drinking last night? Was it a "free tequila night" or something. If it was (and again I'm NOT a Hillary supporter) enjoy your 4 year long hangover. I hope it was worth it!
   'Nuff said.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Ramping Up Again

   After a year of near obscurity (and with a new focus on a bunch of stuff) I'm reactivating this platform. I'm not going to post as often as I have in the past, but I am making a comeback of sorts.
   When I indicated last October that I was "shutting down". I mentioned 3 reasons. Religion, the Kardashians, and Kim Jung-Un, and my seeming inability to find anything else to blog about. So, naturally, I'm kicking the re-launch off with 'Lil Kim (aka Sum Dum Fuk).
   The big question these days surrounds the well being of his wife, Ri Sol-ju, who married Kim back in 2012.
   Apparently, she hasn't been seen in more than 7 months, and that's lead to speculation about her 'health'. There are rumors she's pregnant. There are rumors she "fell out" with 'Lil Kim's sister, who runs some government department or something. Some even say she's fucked off for the West which, for her, would be the smart choice.
   'Lil Kim's got a thing about bumping off family members and others who cross him up. He fed an uncle to the dogs, and had a military commander executed by firing squad. With an anti-aircraft gun. So, getting rid of the missus probably isn't outside the realm of believability for the fat fuk.
   Maybe someone should check the palace kennels to see if the hounds have been getting fatter. Hell, it might be the start of a new North Korean fad, their version of "Where's Waldo"......"Where's Ri Sol-ju"?
   'Nuff said.