Monday, November 10, 2014

Easy Stomach, Don't Roll Over Now

   And it wasn't a bad night of burritos and beer, the expired milk or that slightly fuzzy looking slice of 5 day old pizza that's got my gut trembling either. Nope! Seems someone had a brain-wave (or a brain-fart), and came up with this:
   Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is, in fact, Mountain Dew and Doritos. I happen to like both, thank you very much., but maybe not after this. Someone has come up with (barf bags on standby) Dorito's flavored Mountain Dew. And, without word of a lie, they're calling it "Dewitos", and it'll be nacho cheese flavor.
   For now (and hopefully forever) this monstrosity is confined to a few college campuses in the States, but it could soon make it's way to a broader market. One person says it tastes like shoving a fistful of the chips into your mouth, and guzzling a Dew.
   Will I try it if it ever makes it's way to my market? No. No way in hell, and I'm quite adventurous when it comes to food.
   But I guess for real lazy people, this will be a huge boon! Just think of it. No opening a bag of Doritos. No cramming a fistful in your gob. None of that annoying chewing. Nope! Just open a bottle, and chug it down. Hell. I'll go one better. Dump some vodka or Everclear in the bottle as well for a real buzz! Happy purging.
   'Nuff said.

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