Thursday, November 13, 2014

Things You Can't Un-See

   Yeah, that's Kim Lard-Ass-Ian in that Paper Magazine shoot we've all heard about. All I can say is...YUCK! Not that I don't appreciate a nicely rounded derriere on a woman, far from it. But it looks like she glued 2 Zorbs together and oiled them up. I think this is a photo-shop job pure and simple.
   No woman has an ass that shape. I mean, if it's firm, she'd tip over one way or other. Plus, she's in her 30's, and has calved. That thing should be cellulite city by now, butt there's no sign of dimples. And then, there's her waist. Ain't no way it can be that small in proportion.
   And it gets worse. She turned around and gave a full-frontal "money shot", which (if you care to google it yourself, I'm not posting it here) looks just as photo-shopped as the back view. Her tits don't sag, her gut is firm, and her nether region.....well, I'm leaving that one alone. Not that I don't appreciate women in a state of undress, but what I saw left me feeling.....meh!.
   It almost looks like they found an ass, a set of boobs and a torso, mushed them together in a Frankenstein kind of way, and stuck a picture of her head on top of the resulting mess. As far as the Kartrashian girls go, she's probably the best looking of the lot (which still ain't sayin' much). But Kim, put your clothes back on. The caption on this, by the way, was "break the internet". All this did was break my eyes.
   Has anyone got something to purge this from my brain? Other than a 10 gauge shotgun. Please??
   'Nuff said.
   Having dissed Kim, saying I don't find her particularly attractive, I've decided to add this picture of what I think is a beautiful woman:

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